-1 number chp 5,6,7,apndx

  1. – Max turbulence penetration A/S
    195 KIAS
  2. – Symmetric Vo
    227 KIAS
  3. Asymmetric Vo 5 seconds
    177 KIAS
  4. – Max ramp weight
  5. Max zero fuel weight
  6. – Max descent rate at touchdown
    780 fpm
  7. – Min / Max Pilot weight (Nude) for ejection seat
    103 - 245 lbs
  8. Min / Max Pilot weight (with equipment) for ejection seat
    121- 271 lbs
  9. utilize half lateral stick inputs or less performing sustained elevated G rolls
    >180 KIAS
  10. sink rate at best glide, clean
    1100 to 1300 fpm
  11. best glide, gear down, flaps/SB up
    105 KIAS
  12. sink rate at best glide w/gear down
    1500 fpm
  13. – zero thrust power setting
    4 to 6% torque
  14. full right rudder and full right aileron may not prevent a left roll off at stall
    >60% torque
  15. altitude loss during six turn, steady-state spin
  16. nose high pitch for best spin entry
    15° to 20°
  17. per turn, stabilized spin
    2 - 3 seconds, 400’ to 500’, 120 KIAS, 18 AOA
  18. – aggravated spin
    70° nose down, 280°/second turn
  19. altitude loss for spins
    500’/turn, 1500’ to 200’ dive recovery
  20. Recommended turbulence/t–storm penetration airspeed
    180 KIAS
  21. Windshear T/O
    VROT + (up to)10
  22. – Windshear approach
    VAPP + (up to) 10
  23. Approach/landing speed with ice accumulation on aircraft
    VAPP + 10(min)
  24. Windshear recovery
    15° pitch/110 KIAS min/10.5 AOA max/PCL MAX
  25. Operations in visible moisture should be avoided within what temps
    5° C/41° F (or below)
  26. hydroplaning can occur
    <0.1 inch of slush or water
  27. – nose tire hydroplane
    >85 knots
  28. – main tire hydroplane
    >115 knots
  29. In what temp will Power-up of the digital instruments may shorten instrument service life
    <-21° C (-6° F)
  30. – Remove battery
    -29° C (-20° F)
  31. Dry RCR
  32. Wet RCR
  33. Ice/standing water RCR
  34. Maximum brake energy absorption capability
    3.96 Million Foot-lbs
  35. Max abort speed reaction time
    6 seconds (3 sec decision/3 sec application)
  36. Airspeed increase during 6 second reaction at max abort speed
    20 knots
Card Set
-1 number chp 5,6,7,apndx
-1 number chp 5,6,7,apndx