-1 numbers chp2

  1. sufficient battery voltage for start
    23.5 VDC
  2. Minimum main gear strut extension
    2.0 inches
  3. Minimum nose gear strut extension
    2.5 inches
  4. – delay between ejections w/ISS in both
    0.37 second
  5. LOW AOA (amber donut)
    10.5 units
  6. – HIGH AOA (green chevron)
    18 units
  7. PMU limit for start
    121 degrees C
  8. use HIGH IOAT START procedure
    80 degrees C
  9. – max ITT for auto start
    130 degrees C
  10. time for STARTER SWITCH MANUAL to cool IOAT or clear residual fuel
    20 seconds
  11. stay clear area from aircraft with engine running
    3 feet
  12. – idle with PMU off during overspeed gov check
    67% N1
  13. – NP at approximately 30% torque during overspeed gov check
  14. NP limit with PMU off during overspeed gov check
    100 ± 2%
  15. max amps limit for T/O
    +50 amps
  16. degrees nose up for rotation
  17. climbout pitch attitude
    10-15 degrees NH
  18. pitch and speed for obstacle clearance climb
    15 degrees nose high and 140 KIAS
  19. check OBOGS and defog
    10,000 feet
  20. increase in ITT w/defog on at any PCL setting
    40 degrees C
  21. – ITT limit as controlled by PMU
    820 degrees C
  22. pressure differential above 18,000 feet MSL
    3.6 ± 0.2 psi
  23. max fuel imbalance for pre-stall, spinning and aerobatic checks
    50 lbs
  24. power and descent rate desired for enroute descent
    200-250 KIAS and 4000 fpm
  25. speed on instrument approach before configuring and during missed approach
    150 KIAS
  26. speed on instrument final w/gear and flaps T/O
    110 KIAS
  27. check oil within how many min after landing
    30 min
  28. max time to apply power to pitot/AOA heating elements on ground
    10 sec
  29. min volume of MIL 85470 ice inhibitor to be added to fuel (½ pint/50 gal)
  30. max slope approved for fueling
    3 degrees
  31. time limit for LH and RH single point refueling precheck valves to shut
    10 seconds
  32. wind speed to consider hangaring A/C
    80 knots
  33. – max nose wheel deflection while towing
    80 degrees
Card Set
-1 numbers chp2
-1 numbers chp2