Reproductive System

  1. Function of the female reproductive system that differs from male is what?
    • Provides protection
    • nutrition
    • even up to several years after conception
  2. What are the essential reproduction organs in women
    Ovaries (female Gonads)
  3. What does the ovaries produce
    OVA (female eggs)
  4. What are the accessory organs of the female reproductive system
    • Internal Genitalia:
    • Uterine tubes
    • uterus
    • Vagina

    • External Genitalia:
    • Vulva

    • Additional
    • Mammary glands
  5. WHat genetalia is contained in the urogenital triangle of the perinium
    • Labia,
    • Vaginal Orificee
    • clitoris
  6. Why is the perinium of great clinical improtance
    Danger of being torn during child birth
  7. What are some complications that can come from tears in the perinium for a woman
    • involuntary seapage through the spinter
    • partial uterine or vaginal prolapse
  8. A surgical insecision made to the womans perinium particularly at first child birth
  9. WHat is homologous to the male Gonads
  10. It resembles a large almond in size and shape, located on each side of the uterus and just below and behind the uterine tubes
  11. Name the ligament that anchors the ovaries to the uterus
    Ovarian Ligament
  12. how much does the ovaries weigh
    3 g
  13. Contains blood vessels and nerves that feed to the ovaries and attaches them to the broad ligament
    Mesovarian ligament
  14. Developement of the fetus in a location other than the uterus
    Ectopic Pregnancy
  15. What are the two major layers of the ovary
    The outer cortex and the medulla
  16. Slightly raised squamous epithelial cells that cover the outer cortex of the ovary
    Germinal epithelium
  17. A tough grey and white connective tissue made of epithelial cells that cover the ovarian cortex
    Tunica Albuginea
  18. microscopic structures that are scattered through out the connective tissue matrix of the cortex of the ovary
    Ovarian follicles
  19. What do the ovarian follicals contain
  20. What is contained in the ovarian medulla
    • Supportive connective tissue
    • blood vessels
    • nerves
    • lymphatics
  21. THe release of the ovum which marks the end of oogenesis
  22. What hormones are secreted by the corpus luteum
    • Progesterone
    • Inhibin
    • relaxin
    • estrogen(limited)
  23. Progesteron and inhibin prevent the continued developement of new follicals durning the functional life of the corpus luteum by
    Supressing FSH secretion
  24. WHat are the functions of the ovaries
    • Oogenesis (egg production)
    • Secreting Estrogen and progesterone
  25. What hormones help regulate the reproductive function in the female
    • Estrsdiol and esterone(estrogen)
    • Progesterone
  26. Give the size and width of the uterus of a woman who has never been pregnant
    • Pear shaped
    • 7.5cm (3in)L
    • 5cm(2in) W
    • 3cm(1in) thick
  27. What are the two main parts of the uterus known as the upper portion and lower neck
    • Body
    • Cervix
  28. WHat are the three layers of the uterus
    • Inner endometrium
    • Middle Myometrium
    • Outer incomplete paretial peritoneum
  29. Suckling of an infant stimulates the antipuitary gland to secret what
  30. What stimulates breast alveoli to secret milk
  31. Suckling from the infant secrets the posterior pituitary gland to secret what
  32. WHat stimulates breast alveoli to eject milk from which the infant can remove it
  33. Suckling stimulates the anterior and posterior gland to secrete what two hormones that aid in milk production and secretion and removal
    • Prolactin
    • oxycitocin
  34. Most of the time the cervical mucus acts as a barrier to sperm except around the time of ovulation, what happens to help facilitate movement of sperm through the cervix
    It becomes more slippery
  35. The parietal peritoneum is incomplete, what part of the uterus is covered
    Only the body
  36. During menapause what is the process that results in decrease in size and a position deep in the pelvis
  37. What is the normal position of the uterus
  38. What is retroflexion of the uterus
    backwards tilting of the entire organ
  39. What are the eight uterine ligaments that hold the uterus in its normal position
    • Broad pair
    • utersacral pair
    • round pair
    • an anterior
    • a posterior
  40. double Folds at the parietial pertonium forming a kind of partition accross the pelvic cavity suspending the uterus between them
    Broad ligaments
  41. foldlike extension of the peritonium going from the postier surface to the sacrum
  42. extending from the postieror surface of the peritonium to the rectum
    postieror ligament
  43. this ligament forms a deep pouch called the posterior culdi-sac or rectouterine pouch
    posteriour ligament
  44. fold between the anterior surface of the peritonium and the bladder
    Anterior ligament
  45. Has the vesticouterine pouch
    anteriour ligament
  46. extending from the upper outer edges of the uterus through the inguannal cannals terminating in the labia majora
    round ligaments
  47. these hormones control breast development during puberty
    estrogen and progesterone
  48. WHich hormone stimulates the aveoli to secrete milk
  49. THIS hormone stimulates the alveoli to eject milk
  50. Preovulatory phase, estrogenic phase and follicular phase are all part of the
    Post menstral phase
  51. day 1-5 of a new cycle
    memstral phase`
Card Set
Reproductive System
Male and female reproductive system IDC 11005