micro lect 4

  1. protozoa's distribution
    -most in moist habitats, free-living in aquatic, parasitic in plants and animals, in soil organic matter, important in food chains, medical importance
  2. algae
    organism that contain chlorophyll - oxygenic photosynthesis , unicellular algae (phytoplankton in oceans), generate most oxygen, can be aquatic
  3. phyrophyta.
    can be toxic, biolumence
  4. planktonic.
    can be suspended in water column
  5. benthic
    live attached to bottom of body of water
  6. neustronic.
    at water/atmosphere interface
  7. terrestrial:
    moist surfaces, can have symbiotic relationships
  8. algae's nutrition.
    most are photoautotroph, some use chemical for growth (chemoorganoheterotrophs)
  9. Fungi.
    decomposers of organic matter, can reproduce by sexual/asexual means, cell wall: polysaccharide (made of chitin) - not in plants
  10. fungi's distribution
    mostly terrestrial
  11. measure cell mass?
    dry weight, protein, DNA, turbidity, using spectrophotometer
  12. psychrophiles
    cold, 0-20 degrees
  13. obligate aerobe
    need oxygen
  14. facultative anaerobe.
    prefer oxygen
  15. aerotolerant anaerobe
    ignore oxygen
  16. strict anaerobe.
    oxygen is toxic
  17. microaerophile.
    <2-10% oxygen
Card Set
micro lect 4
exam 1