
  1. testy
    • 쉽게 화내는 (irascible,crotchety,waspy(waspish),choleric,bilious,fractious,fretful,peevish,touchy,ticklish)
    • <>genial,affable
    • testiness<>imperturbability
  2. crotchety
    쉽게 화내는
  3. waspy(waspish)
    쉽게 화내는(wasp: 말벌)
  4. choleric
    • 쉽게 화내는
    • choleric,peevish:rile::volatile:arouse
  5. bilious
    쉽게 화내는
  6. fractious
    • 쉽게 화내는
    • fractious:umbrage
  7. fretful*
    • 쉽게 화내는
    • <>showing equanimity(2010 빈출)
  8. peevish
    • 쉽게 화내는
    • choleric,peevish:rile::volatile:arouse
  9. touchy
    쉽게 화내는
  10. ticklish*
    • 쉽게 화내는
    • <>showing equanimity*
  11. supercilious
    • 오만한
    • supercilious:haughtiness::resentful:umbrage
  12. haughtiness
    • 오만
    • supercilious:haughtiness::resentful:umbrage
  13. umbrage
    • supercilious:haughtiness::resentful:umbrage
    • fractious:umbrage
  14. temperamental
    • 쉽게 화내는
    • temperamental:offend,antagonize
  15. rile
    • 화나게 하다
    • choleric,peevish:rile::volatile:arouse
  16. volatile(2)
    • 1.휘발성의
    • 2.쉽게 폭력적으로 되는
    • choleric,peevish:rile::volatile:arouse
  17. arouse
    • 욱하다
    • choleric,peevish:rile::volatile:arouse
  18. choler
    • choler:antagonize
  19. tantrum
    • 성격 안좋은
    • tantrum:behavior
  20. terminology
    • 전문용어
    • terminology:language::uniform:clothing
  21. argot*
    • 은어,전문용어
    • <>standar language (100%)
  22. thoughtful(2)
    • 1.생각있는
    • 2.사려깊은
    • <>harebrained
    • *restive:calm::thoughtful:incogitant::considerable:piddling
  23. harebrained
    • 무뇌의,생각없는
    • <>thoughtful
    • <>intelligent,sensible/cautious
  24. restive
    • 가만히 못있는
    • *restive:calm::thoughtful:incogitant::considerable:piddling
  25. incogitant
    • 생각없는
    • *restive:calm::thoughtful:incogitant::considerable:piddling
  26. piddling
    • 하찮은
    • *restive:calm::thoughtful:incogitant::considerable:piddling
  27. audacious*
    • 무모한,용감한
    • <>guarded*
  28. guarded*
    • 신중한
    • <>audacious*
  29. advisory
    • 신중한
    • advisory:caution
  30. caginess(cagey)
    • 신중함(신중한)
    • <>incautiousness
  31. thunderous
    • 천둥치는(소리가 크다가 핵심)
    • <>faint (pleasant 오답)
    • thunderous:noise::brilliant:light
  32. elusive
    • 회피적인,ambiguous
    • elusive:define::faint:perceive
  33. thundering
    • 대단한(great)
    • (천둥반지는 대단해)
  34. *tidy(2011.1)
    • 깔끔한(shipshape)
    • tidy:disarray::plush:austerity
  35. plush
    • 사치스러운
    • tidy:disarray::plush:austerity
  36. jaunty
  37. ream
    • 매(종이 세는 단위)
    • *ream:paper::acre:land::quart:liquid(volt:battery는 오답!!)
  38. ladle
    • 국자
    • ladle:soup::scoop:flour(400후반)
  39. batch
    • 쿠키한판
    • batch:cookie
  40. tincture(2)
    • n.염색,염료
    • v.얼룩지게하다
    • tincture:stain::caustic:burn
  41. tint,tinge
    • 색을 살짝 배게하다(가미하다)
    • <>bleach,blanch
  42. bleach,blanch
    • 색을 빼다
    • dessicate:moisture::bleach:color
  43. marble
    • 얼룩지게하다
    • <>bleach,blanch,erase spot
    • marble:chisel::wood:carve
  44. mottle
    • 얼룩지게하다
    • <>bleach,blanch,erase spot
  45. variegate
    • 얼룩지게하다
    • <>bleach,blanch,erase spot
  46. chisel
    • 돌에 새기다
    • marble:chisel::wood:carve
  47. refrigerant
    • 냉각제
    • dessicant:moisture::refrigerant:heat
  48. trace*(2)
    • v.추적하다 <>앞에가다(run away, head, guide, lead, pilot)
    • n.소량 <> abundance
    • *trace:amount::sliver:piece(100%)
  49. crumb
    • 빵부스러기
    • cake,bread:crumb::stone:chip*
  50. chip
    • 돌조각
    • cake,bread:crumb::stone:chip*
  51. nibble
    • 깨작대로 먹다
    • nibble:eat::glean:acquire
  52. glean
    • 이삭줍기
    • nibble:eat::glean:acquire
  53. trade(3)
    • 1.무역
    • 2.기술
    • 3.직업
    • (craft: 공예,기술,직업)
    • trade/craft:carpentry
  54. mason
    • 석공
    • wood:carpenter::brick,stone:mason
  55. seal
    • 밀봉
    • trademark:manufacturer::seal:signatory
  56. signatory
    • 서명인
    • trademark:manufacturer::seal:signatory
  57. emporium
    • 시장
    • commerce:emporium
  58. transfigure*(2011.1)(2)
    • 1.고치다
    • 2.칭찬하다
    • transfigure:appearance(aspect)::transfer:location(2010.12,2011.1)
  59. metamorphosis
    • 변신
    • <>invariance
  60. polymorphosis
    • 다형의
    • <>having same forms/state
  61. isomorphs
    • 동형
    • <>structure of dissimilarity
    • <>intergraded(2007.4)
  62. intergraded
    • 서서히 변화하다
    • <>isomorphs
  63. truculent*(2011.1)
    • 호전적인
    • <>genial,gentle,*peaceful,pacific,*conciliatory,irenic,cooperative
    • solicitous:concern::truculent:belligerence
  64. conciliatory
    • 달래는
    • <>truculent*
    • <>contentious,nettling
  65. irenic
    • 평화의
    • <>truculent
  66. amenable
    • 말을 잘 듣는
    • <>uncooperative
  67. belligerence
    • 호전성
    • quarrelsome:belligerence
    • solicitous:concern::truculent:belligerence
  68. solicitous
    • 걱정하는
    • solicitous:concern::truculent:belligerence
    • solicitous:worry::contentious:dispute
  69. soothing
    • 달래는
    • <>vitriolic
  70. turbulent
    • 동요의(tumultuous)
    • <>composed,tranquil,serene,peaceful,halcyon
  71. halcyon
    • 고요한
    • <>turbulent
  72. restless
    • 쉽새없는
    • <>serene
  73. unturbulent
    • 동요없는
    • <>full of upheaval
  74. ubiquitous(2011.1)
    • 어디에나 있는
    • <>rarely encountered,rare,absent,uncommon
  75. perpetuity
    • 영원한(시간이 어디에나 있음)
    • ubiquity:place::perpetuity:time
  76. timeless
    • 영원한,시간이 지나도 변하지 않는
    • timeless:dated::pristine:sullied
  77. denseness
    • 빽빽함
    • <>rareness,rarity(RARITY)
  78. rarefied
    • 희귀하게 된
    • <>pedestrian
  79. pedestrian
    • 흔한,평범한
    • <>rarefied
  80. vulgarize
    • 퍼지다(너무 흔해서 가치가 떨어지는 느낌:뷔똥백)
    • <>rarefy
  81. vulgar
    무례(저속한 무례)
  82. unassailable(2)
    • 1.공격할 수 없는
    • 2.논박할 수 없는
    • <>refutable
    • unassailable:dispute(refute)::unfathomable:understand
  83. assailable(2)
    • 1.공격할 수 있는
    • 2.논박할 수 있는
    • <>invulnerable
  84. matchless
    • (상대가 없을만큼)우월한
    • incontrovertible:disputed(refuted)::matchless:equaled
  85. peerless
    • 우월한
    • <>equal,commonplace
  86. axiomatic*(2011.1)
  87. controversial
    • 논쟁이 많은
    • <>axiomatic*
  88. uncanny
    • 이상한(eerie,weary)
    • <>ordinary,commonplace
    • (cf.canny:신중한,명민한(shrewd),절약하는)
  89. eerie
  90. esoteric
    • 수수께끼같은(arcane)
    • <>commonplace
  91. unwitting(2)
    • 1.고의가 아닌
    • 2.알지못한
    • <>aware,conscious
    • unwitting:awareness::
  92. unveil
    • 드러나다
    • unveiling:revealing::
  93. cache
    • "몰래"저장하다(hide&store)
    • marketplace:sell::cache:conceal::depository:keep*
  94. depository
    • 보관소
    • marketplace:sell::cache:conceal::depository:keep*
  95. unwonted
    • 익숙하지 않은(won이 아니라 익숙하지 않음)
    • <>habitual,usual
  96. truism
    • 명백한 사실(너무 명백(obvious)해서 진부(trite)할 정도로 들리는 사실)(cliche)
    • <>unusual statement
    • <>(specific implication, unproven statement? 둘중 무엇?)
  97. vain(3)*
    • 1.텅빈
    • 2.결실없는
    • 3.오만한
    • <>efficacious,successful
    • vain:vanity::void:vacancy::luxurious(superfluous):frill
  98. vainglorious
    • 자만심이 강한
    • prodigal:thrift::vainglorious:humility,modesty*
  99. frill
    • 장식,비핵심적인
    • <>essence
    • vain:vanity::void:vacancy::luxurious(superfluous):frill
  100. charade
    • 흉내내기,가장
    • void:empty::charade:dissimulating
  101. dissimulating
    • 위장하는
    • void:empty::charade:dissimulating
  102. ruffle
    • 주름
    • ruffle:shirt::molding:cabinet(2009)
  103. molding
    • 캐비닛의 주름
    • ruffle:shirt::molding:cabinet(2009)
  104. vicarious
    • 대리의
    • <>firsthand
  105. vindictive
    • 복수하는(spiteful)
    • <>charitable,beneficient,benevolent,forgiving,clement
    • vindictive:revenge::mercenary:money
  106. mercenary
    • 용병의
    • vindictive:revenge::mercenary:money
  107. remunerate
    • 보수를 주다(mun)
    • *remunerate:service::retaliate:injury
  108. retaliate
    • 복수하다
    • *remunerate:service::retaliate:injury
  109. gainful
    • 돈벌이가 되는
    • <>*unremunerative(2010,2009)
  110. punitive
  111. vise
    • n.집게
    • v.꽉쥐다 <>release
  112. clamp
    • 죄는 기구, 집게
    • brake:decelerate::clamp:compress
  113. tong
    • 집게(각설탕 등을 집는)
    • tong:grasping,seizing::reel:winding
  114. vitiate
    • (타당성을)손상시키다(invalid)
    • <>strengthen,fortify,invigorate,buttress*
    • vitiate:quality::
  115. buttress*
    • 지지하다
    • <>vitiate
  116. invigorate
    • 활기차게 하다(to make sb energetic)
    • <>impare,emaciate,paralyze(앞번호 anto)
  117. revise
    • 개정하다
    • <>impair
  118. impair
    • 손상시키다
    • <>better,revise
  119. vivid
    • 생생한
    • feeble,*weary
  120. weary*
    • 지친
    • <>vivid,effervesce
  121. vivify
    • 생기를 주다
    • <>inanimate,sap,devitalize
  122. voluntary
    • 자발적인
    • 1.자기
    • 2.의지
    • <>automatic,instinct / obligatory
  123. instinct
    • 본능의
    • <>conscious,intentional
  124. extemporaneous
    • 즉석의
    • extemporaneous:rehearsal::voluntary:coercion*
  125. coercion
    • 강제,강압
    • extemporaneous:rehearsal::voluntary:coercion*
  126. voracious
    • 매우 배고픈
    • <>abstemious,austere,lack of appetite
    • voracious:hungry::manic,maniac:enthusiastic
  127. abstemious
    • 자제하는
    • <>voracious
  128. austere
    • 자제하는
    • <>voracious
  129. abstinence
    • 절제
    • <>voracity
  130. abstain
    • 절제하다
    • <>partake
  131. partake
    • 먹고 마시다
    • <>abstain
  132. whet
    • 날카롭게 하다
    • <>blunt, dull
    • whet:sharp::obviate:unnecessary::reduce:smaller
  133. obviate
    • make unnecessary
    • whet:sharp::obviate:unnecessary::reduce:smaller
  134. pestle
    • 절구
    • pestle:grind::whetstone:sharpen
  135. wilt
    • wick & tired
    • <>flourish,thrive
  136. wane
    • 약해지다
    • <>escalate,increase,intensify,wax,burgeon
  137. burgeon
    • 성장하다
    • <>wane
  138. wistful(2)
    • 1.열망하는(yearning)
    • 2.슬퍼하는(pensive)
    • effervescent:ebullient::melancholic:lugubrious::wistful:yearning::tireless:indefatiguable
  139. yearning
    • 열망하는
    • effervescent:ebullient::melancholic:lugubrious::wistful:yearning::tireless:indefatiguable
  140. pensive
  141. ebullient
    • 사기 충천한,
    • effervescent:ebullient::melancholic:lugubrious::wistful:yearning::tireless:indefatiguable
  142. indefatiguable
    • 지치지 않는
    • <>lethargic
    • effervescent:ebullient::melancholic:lugubrious::wistful:yearning::tireless:indefatiguable
  143. plaintive
    • 슬픈
    • reproachful:disapproval::plaintive:sorrow
  144. bewailed
    • 비통해하는
    • bewailed,eale:sorrow/lament
  145. wail
    • 슬퍼하다,비통해하다
    • bewailed,wail:sorrow/lament::
  146. bemoan
    • 한탄하다
    • bemoan:regret::stigmatize:contempt
  147. stigmatize
    • 낙인 찍다
    • bemoan:regret::stigmatize:contempt
  148. contempt
    • 경멸하다
    • bemoan:regret::stigmatize:contempt
  149. winning(2011.1)
    • 매력있는
    • <>repellent
  150. winsome
    • 매력있는
    • winsome:charm::(자자)
  151. yokel
    • 촌뜨기(bumpkin)
    • coward:courage::yokel:sophistication
  152. bumpkin
  153. dashing
    • 간지나는
    • <>bumpkinly
  154. bumpkinly
    • 촌뜨기의
    • <>dashing
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