Langford History Test

  1. Louis' minister of finance. He believed in the theory of mercantilism
    Jean Baptiste Colbert
  2. one of Rusia's greatest reformers
    Peter the Great
  3. a general who defeated the cavaliers
    Oliver Cromwell
  4. the decleration of religious tolerance
    edict of nantes
  5. forces of britain and prussia battled those of Austria, france, russia, and other countries
    seven years war
  6. a conflict over religion, territory, and for power among european ruling families
    thirty years war
  7. every prisoner had the right to a document ordering that the prisoner be brought before a judge
    Habeus Corpus
  8. King Charles son who inherited Spain, spanish netherlands, and the american colonies
    Phillip II
  9. James I son that took the throne after his father died and he always needed money
    Charles 1
  10. using western Europe as a model for change
  11. Louis' XIII minister that became the ruler of france and pursued his ambitions in the political arena
    Cardinel Richeelieu
  12. consisted of laws that limited the rulers power
    constitutional monarchy
  13. government agents who collected taxes and administered justice
  14. group of government ministers who acted in the ruler's name
  15. the idea that nothing can ever be known for certain
  16. a bloodless overthrow of the english king James II and his replacement by William and Mary
    Glorious Revolution
  17. a conflict where puritan supporters of parliment battled supporters of englands monarchy
    English Civil war
  18. idea that God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as God's representative on earth
    divine right
  19. came to the thrown when he was 3 years old
    Ivan the Terrible
  20. Charles eldest daughter that got all his Hapsburg territories
    Maria Theresa
  21. period of time during during charles II reighn, after he destroyed the monarchy
  22. the strongest ruler that came to the throne at the age of 5
    Louis XIV
  23. England, austria, dutch republic, portugal, garman and italian states against France and Spain
    War of Spanish Succesion
  24. During the war of spanish succession, who was France and Spain under the power of?
  25. kings or queens who believed that all power within their state's boundaries rested in their hands
    absolute monarch
  26. russia's landowning nobles
  27. followed his fathers military policies, but also softened some of his fathers laws
    Fredrick the Great
  28. the king that was a defender of catholisim?
    king phillip II
  29. Where did Phillip battle the ottomans?
    Battle of Lepanto
  30. What battle did Phillip battle the Dutch?
    Protestantism in netherlands
  31. who used wealth to support the arts, literature, and the army?
    Phillip II
  32. What were some economic problems during Phillips reign?
    inflation, trade loss from outdated manufacturing methods, debt from using money on wars, and lack of a middle class
  33. the leader against Philips attacks
    William of Orange
  34. the netherlands government?
  35. What european country had a policy of relgious tolerance?
  36. the netherlands had a prosperous economy, therefore?
    they had wealthy patrons that supportedf the arts
  37. what did absolute monarchs believe in?
    the divine right
  38. government built large armies, had heavy taxes, pressure on population caused revolt, and imposed order by increasing their own power are all causes of..
  39. Huguenots = ?
  40. Where did the relgious wars between protestants and catholics occur?
  41. where was the edict of nantes created?
  42. Who was the king of france?
    Henry IV/ Henry of Navarre
  43. Who strengthened the france monarchy?
    cardinel Richelieu
  44. What happened when Cardinel Richelieu strengthened the monarchy?
    restricted the power of the huguenots, weakened the power of the nobles, and entered the thirty years war to weaken other european rulers
  45. Who was the absolute monarch of France?
    Louis XIV
  46. Louis' minister of finance?
    Jean Baptiste Colbert
  47. Who controlled nobles?
    Louis XIV
  48. who created a paalace called Versailles?
    Louis XIV
  49. ended the war, made German princes free of the holy roman empire, introduced new peace mathod, and began modern state system
    peace of westphalia
  50. In what side of europe did the serfs win freedom,moved to urban areas, joined with middle classes and gained power.
    Western europe
  51. In what side of europe did kings put taxes on towns and built powerful armies
    Western europe
  52. What side of europe was more industrialized?
    western europe
  53. on what side of europe did serfs live on the lands to produce large harvests, nobles sold surplus and kept profits, strong nobility, and weaker monarchs
    eastern europe
  54. What country conquered Bohemia and wiped out the protestism?
  55. What country did Hapsburg ruler centralize government and create a standing army?
  56. what country took back Hungary from the Ottomans?
  57. who was austria's main enemy?
  58. In the seven years war, who austria allly with?
  59. what happened to austria in the seven years war?
    lost lands in north america and india
  60. who "won" the seven years war?
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Langford History Test