Soil Mgmt

  1. Tilth
    The physical condition of the soil as it relates to the ease of tillage, fitness as a seedbed, seedling emergence and root penetraion.
  2. Soil Texture
    Size of soil particles. Impacts root anchorage. Smaller root systems in compact soil.
  3. PH aka Soil Reaction
    Measure of acidity or alkalinity in soil
  4. Buffering Capacity
    Measure of the soils resistance to change
  5. Ions
    Charged particles in soil
  6. Cations
    Positively charged ions
  7. Cations Exchange Capacity
    Soil feritility is determined by the soils ability to hold charged ions.
  8. Pore Space
    Space between soil particles
  9. Macropores
    Large spaces between soil particles; hold air
  10. Micropores
    Small spaces between soil particles; hold water
  11. Nematodes
    Microscopic roundworms that can be beneficial or harmful
  12. Rhizosphere
    Area of highest biological activity, normally found close to the root system
  13. Mycorrhizae
    "Fungus root" has a symbiotic (mutually beneficial) relationship with the roots
  14. Saturation
    Macropores are filled with water
  15. Gravitational water
    Water that drains away from macropores under the forces of gravity
  16. Field Capacity
    Water content held in soil after excess water has drained away
  17. Permanent Wilting Point
    No usable water is available from the soil
  18. Infiltration Rate
    Rate at which water moves through the soil
Card Set
Soil Mgmt
Class 1 Soil and Plant Growth