sgu vet histo set 1

  1. what do cells have in it (4)
    • nucleus
    • cytoplam
    • organells
    • inclusions
  2. a cells shape, size and structure determines what
    it's function
  3. a cells function effects it's what (3)
    • shape
    • size
    • structure
  4. what is the range of a cell membrane's width
  5. another name for cell membrane
  6. what is the plasmalemma
    cell membrane
  7. what protiens are in the cell membrane (2)
    • integral transmembrane protein
    • peripheral membrane protein
  8. what protects the cell from mechanical and chemical damage
  9. what's the function of the glycocalyx
    protects the cell from mechanical and chemical damage
  10. what is the glycocalyx coat made up of (2)
    • glycolipid
    • glycoprotein
  11. what does glycolipid and glycoprotein make up
    glycocalyx coat
  12. what is the cell membrane's function (2)
    • selective permeability
    • special receptors for 1.antigen recognition 2.immunological mechanisms (phogocytosis) 3. hormone activation (petuitary gland in brain)
  13. what are the special receptors for the cell membrane (3)
    • antigen recognition
    • immunological mechanisms (phagocytosis)
    • hormone activated (petuitary gland in brain)
  14. what is the nucleus' width
  15. what does the nucleus contain (3)
    • chromatin
    • nucleolus or nucleoli
    • nuclear matrix
  16. what cell structure has chromatin, nucleolus or nucleoli, and a nuclear matrix
  17. what shapes does the nucleus have (4)
    • most have spherical or ovid
    • spindle (smooth m.)
    • bean or kidney (monocytes)
    • multilobulated (eucocytes/neutrophils)
  18. what nucleus shape do smooth m. have
  19. what has a spindle shaped nucleus
    smooth m.
  20. what nucleus shape do monocytes have
    bean or kidney
  21. what has a bean or kidney shaped nucleus
  22. what nucleus shape do most cells have
    spherical or ovid
  23. what has a spherical or ovid shaped nucleus
    most cells
  24. how many nucli do most cells have
    one (1)
  25. how many nucli do skeletal muscles have
  26. how many nucli do osteoclasts have
  27. what cells/tissus have several nucli in them (2)
    • skeletal muscle
    • osteoclasts
  28. how many nucli do mammalian erythrocytes have
    zero (0)
  29. what cells normally do not have nucli
    mammalian erythrocytes
  30. what is made up of 2 concentric membranes
    nuclear envelope
  31. what is the nuclear envelope made of (3)
    • outer membrane
    • inner membrane
    • numberous pores for 1.secetive transport transport
  32. what is studed with ribosomes and is the origin of the rER
    outer membrane of the nuclear envelope
  33. what does the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope contain (2)
    • studed with ribosomes
    • continuous with rER
  34. what is bound to membrane protiens, which are specific sites for hetero chromatin to attach
    inner membrane of the nuclear envelope
  35. what is the numerous pores of the nuclear envelope's function (2)
    • selective transport
    • active transport
  36. what are the types of chromatin (2)
    • heterochromatin
    • euchromatin
  37. what does chromatin contain
    • chromosal material
    • DNA
    • basic proteins
    • chromosomal protiens (histones/non-histones)
  38. what contains chromosomal meterial
  39. what make up the chromosomal proteins (2)
    • histones proteins
    • non-histones proteins
  40. heterochromatin has what appearence and what type of cell are they found in (2)
    • basophilic clumps
    • inactive cells
  41. euchromatin has what appearence and what type of cell are they foind in (2)
    • lightly stained with no clumps (uniformally dispersed)
    • active cells
  42. what is a bar body and where are they found (2)
    • a drumstick clump
    • found in female neutrophils
  43. what type of chromatin is found in inactive cells
  44. what type of chromatin appears as basophilic clumps
  45. what type of chromatin is found in active cells
  46. what type of chromatin appears as being lightly stained w/ no clumps due to it being uniformally dispersed
  47. what is the drumstick clump found in female neutrophils
    bar body
  48. what do nucleolus contain (3)
    • DNA
    • ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
    • pores for rRNA to move in/out
  49. what contains DNA and ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
  50. what is the darker stained dot in a nucleus
  51. how do nucleolus present (2)
    • spherical
    • basophilic (purple)
  52. where do rRNA get synthesized
  53. what is the function of the nucleolus
    to synthesize rRNA
  54. a nucleolus is prominent in what
    cells that are actively synthesizing protines
  55. where are ribosomes found (2)
    • free floating in cytoplasm
    • on rER and outer membrane of the nuclear envelope
  56. what is either free floating in the cytoplasm or on rER/outer memberane of the nuclear envelope
  57. how big is a ribosome
    15-25nm in diameter
  58. where are ribosome not found
    in mature mammal erythrocytes
  59. what is not found in mature mammal erythrocytes
  60. what are robosome's function
    make protiens
  61. what makes proteins
  62. how do ribosomes present, is it basophilic or acidophilic
    • purple (absorbs hematoxylin)
    • basophilic
  63. what is 15-25nm in diameter and is basophilic
  64. what are multiple ribosomes called (2)
    • polyribosomes
    • polysomes
  65. what are polyribosomes
    multiple ribosomes
  66. what are polysomes
    multiple ribosomes
Card Set
sgu vet histo set 1
cell, cell membrane, nucleus, nuclear envelope, chromatin, nucleolus, ribosomes