
  1. Define parliament
    those persons elected to both houses of parliament plus the queens representative
  2. representive goverment
    the goverment that represents the views of the people. they are chosen by ht e people and the people can vote them in and out
  3. responsible goverment
    They are responsible for the people and the possition they hold in parliament. much as minsters are responsible for there sector therefore responsible for the people.
  4. List of why laws might need to change ?
    Give EG.
    • -New rights and responablitys
    • -World trends
    • ->Terrorism
    • ->poverty
    • -Development
    • ->increasing in pop
    • ->asylum seekers
    • -New problems
    • ->seatbelts
    • -Technological change
    • ->IVF
    • ->computers
    • -vaules of society changes
    • ->equal opp
  5. Explain the principle of separation of power
    • the legislative function (power to make laws lies with the parliment)
    • the executive function (administer the law)
    • the judicial function (interpret the law, to inforce law.)

    • The powers of each arm are kept separate to each other and carried out by a separate body, to ensure that no one body or arm has complete authority and each are
    • independent from the other
  6. Structures of parliament
    -Governor (the queens representative)

    -Leislative council (upper house)

    -Legislative assembly (lower house)
  7. Sturctres of parliament
    -Governor genral (the queens represntive)

    -Senate (Upper house)

    -House of representative(lowerhouse)
  8. The role of the Crown
    • -to give or withhold royal assent
    • -bring to session of parliment and to end it.
    • -dissolve disputes and to bring about an election
    • -to swear in minsters
  9. the fuctions of the HOR
    • - to initiat the laws.
    • -determenting goverment (the party with most seats in the lower house form goverment)
  10. The fuctions of the senate
    • -the house of review.
    • -states house
    • -Can initiate laws except money bills
  11. The process a bill goes though in parliment
    • First reading- the introducing the bill
    • Second reading- discover the purpose of the bill.
    • The commitee stage
    • ->consideration in detail or consideration of the hole house.
    • Thrid reading
    • Repeted in the house of review
    • Royal assent and proclamation
  12. ways individuals can influance the laws
    • -pressure groups
    • -demonstrations and protests
    • -defiance of the law
    • -petitions
    • -lobbying
    • -media
    • ->Letters to the editor
    • ->radio
    • ->televisions
    • -private members bill
    • -courts influencing changes
  13. strenghts of law malking by parliament
    -main role is to make law

    -is elected

    -can investigate the whole area of law

    -has access to expert information

    -provides an arena for debate

    -can delegate powers

    -can change law as need arises

    - makes law in futro
  14. weaknesses of law-making by parliment
    - not always sitting

    -offten conflicting views about an issue and all views cannot be accommadated

    -investigation and inplemention is lengthy and time consuming

    -subordinate authorities are not elected

    -may not be able to foresee future circumstances

    -laws can be outdated.
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vice legal studies, outcome one