Micro lec 2

  1. Name the different bacterial morphology.
    • -Bacillius
    • -Coccus
    • -spiral
    • -other
  2. bacterial cytoplasm have an overall...
    • negative charge, which will attract anything with a positive charged stain
    • examples: crystal violet, methylene blue
  3. What stain uses a single agent and is a basic stain with
    positive charge?

    Simply staining

  4. This stain divides bacteria into groups based on their
    staining properties. Give examples

    • Differential stain

    • Examples: gram stain,
    • acid-fasting stain
  5. this
    stain divides bacteria into two groups, examples.

    Gram stain; gram positive and gram negative

  6. What
    color would stain gram positive and gram negative?
    • Gram positive – purple

    • Gram negative – pink

  7. Give the kinds of substances used for each step for

    • Step1. Crystal violent

    • Step2. Iodine

    • Step3. Alcohol wash

    • Step4. Safranin
  8. What’s the key point in gram staining?


  9. what
    does a bacteria’s cell wall consist of?

    Contains polysaccharide/protein (which is the peptidoglycan)

  10. What gives the cell wall its’ rigidity?

  11. peptidoglycan is found exclusively in..?

  12. What happens to the bacteria when the peptidoglycan is destroyed?
    it weakens or kills the bacteria since they become targets for antibiotics
  13. Penicillin is effective toward?
    toward gram positive bacteria
  14. in gram positive bacteria, the cell wall...
    peptidoglycan is on the outside of the membrane
  15. in a gram negative bacteria, the cell wall..
    outer membrane covers peptidoglycan; membrane double barrier is called periplarm
  16. glycocalyx is?
    the coating outside the cell wall, slimy gooey layer, an extra layer of protection
  17. what's the function of glycocalyx
    for protection, motility, and attachment
  18. Name surface features of the bacteria.
    pili and flagella
  19. Whats the function of flagella?
  20. whats the function of pili
    attachment, also as information transfering (DNA transfer, conjugation)
  21. List the cytoplasm structures found in a bacteria.
    ribosomes, nucleoid, inclusions, plasmids, and sometimes endospores
  22. Endospores. what are they?
    only found in some bacteria; considered highly resistant dormant form of the cell; and only forms in time of stress in the environment
  23. ribosomes?
    its a site for protein synthesis
  24. nucleoid?
    single closed loop of DNA
  25. inclusions?
  26. plasmids?
    smaller loops of DNA nonessential cell functions
  27. growth is consider..
    when there is an increase of number of cells or cell size
  28. binary fission
    bacterial reproduction
  29. culture can be either...
    liquid form (broth) or solid (agar)
  30. synthetic media
    dont know how, but know it works; unknown concentrations/compounds
  31. list the different types of media
    General purpose; enriched media, selective media
  32. list general purpose media
    • TSA Tryptic Soy Agar
    • TSB - broth
  33. Enriched media is?
    • general purpose media with something extra
    • ex. blood agar
  34. selective media is...
    favors growth of some over others
  35. who coined the term "filterable virus"
    Dmitri Iwanowski when he was interest in tobaccoo mosaic disease
  36. who brought in electron microscope?
    Ernst Ruska
Card Set
Micro lec 2
exam 1