C. difficile
- Ana, +, spore, rod,
- pseudomembranous colitis
- fecal-oral
- A-B
- oral metronidazole
C. botulinum
- Ana, +, spore, rod,
- descending paralysis, double vision,
- A,B,C1…toxins, blocks Ach release,
- horse antitoxin
C perfringens
- Ana, +, spore, rod,
- gas gangrene,
- superantigen,
- resolves in 24 hours
L. monocytogenes
- Fac Ana, +, motile, rod, 4C, Gastroenteritis, Meningitis =
- fever, headache, stiff neck, vomit,
- cheese,
- phagocytes, actin rocket, Lysteriolysin,
- ampicilin and gentimycin
S. dysenteriae
- Fac Ana, Non-lac, non-motile, -, rod,
- most pathogenic enteric, ileum/colon (not blood),
- A-B (ribosome), fecal-oral, ciprofloxacin,
- 1-4 day inc, fever, cramp, bloody stool, sloughed MALT epithelium
- Fac Ana, Non-lac, motile, -, rod, H2S, O/H/Vi(capsular),
- Stool sample for EC, Blood for SC Ceftriaxone, Ciprofloxacin,
- (Ampicillin if carrier),
- Vaccine for high risk areas
- Type III secretion,
- grow in phagosome,
- 12-24 hr incubation,
- (Carrier state w/ antibiotics)
- Sickle cell/cancer,
- osteomyelitis,
- metastatic abscess
- GI, Peyers patch(phagocyte), Liver/spleen/GB,
- flu/constipation for week,
- bacteremia = fever, dilirium, “rose spots”, enlarged spleen
E. coli
- Ana, Lac, -, rod,
- O/H/K antigens,
- infants = gentimycin or polymixin
Travellers diarrhea, SI, adhesin, Cholera like toxin, Pepto/fluoroquinolone
LI,like shigella but epithelium only
plasmid, microvilli loss, actin pedestal
- SLT, hemolytic uremic system, LI,
- hamburgers,
- specialized antibiotics to avoid SLT
V. Cholera
- Curved, -, rod, tolerate acid and salt,
- SI, pili, no damage,
- A-B toxin, Adenylate cyclase, heat liable, ends with normal shedding
C. Jejuni
- Curved, motile, microaero, -, rod,
- most common cause of Diarrhea,
- Guillian-Barre (after 10 days),
- SI/LI epithelium,
- raw poultry,
- Erythromycin or Ciprofloxacin (if severe)
H. pylori
- Short, Spiral, microaero, -, rod,
- sheathed flagella, urease,
- CagA = malignant, VacA = urea,
- Stomach cancer,
- urea breath test,
- 2 antimicrobials + stomach acid inhibitor