US Midterm 4

  1. What was the phrase "Bleeding Kansas" used to describe in the 1850s?
    the battleground in Kansas between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers
  2. What group's rights are associated with the Declaration of Sentiments and the Seneca Falls Convention?
  3. How are the Louisiana purchase, Texas Annexation, Mexican Cession, and Gadsden purchase similar
    got land
  4. Why was the Louisiana Purchase important to the US?
    Mississippi River
  5. What was the term "Manifest Destiny" used by many Americans to justify in the 1840s?
    that God gave North America to the U.S. to settle
  6. How were the slogan "fifty-four forty or fight," the annexation of Texas, and the Mexican War similar?
  7. How did the Homestead act attempt to promote the development of western lands?
    incentive to go
  8. What was popular sovereignty proposed to do in the compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
    gave states the right to choose is they were a slave state or a free state
  9. What was the immediate result of Abraham Lincoln's election to the presidency in 1860?
    secession of southern states
  10. What was the primary goal of President Abraham Lincoln's post-Civil war policy?
    to restore the union as fast as possible
  11. Why did the radical republicans oppose President Lincoln's plan for reconstruction?
    they didn't like the south and thought Lincoln was being to leniant
  12. What was a common purpose of the three amendments added between 1865 and 1870?
    African American rights
  13. What case created the need for an amendment granting citizenship to formerly enslaved persons?
    Dred Scott v. Sanford
  14. What was the effect of the 15th amendment on African Americans during the Reconstruction Era?
    voting rights
  15. What stimulated the Noth's rapid economic growth during the Civil War?
  16. What event marked the end of Reconstruction in the US?
    withdrawal of Federal troops from the South
  17. How did the Erie Canal and transcontinental railroads contribute to the industrial growth of the US?
    trade and transportation of good
  18. What federal government commitment was shown by the Homestead Act and transcontinental railroad?
    settle the west
  19. What was the effect of the mechanization of agriculture in the US?
    more farming production
  20. How did the Dawes Act of 1887 affect Native American Indians?
    assimilation - americanize
  21. What did the federal government force on Native American Indians to resolve conflicts with settlers?
    to move to reservations
Card Set
US Midterm 4
History Midterm