US Midterm 3

  1. What three constitutional ideas allow Congress to meet the needs of a changing society?
    elastic clause, judicial review, and amendments
  2. What are the major criticisms of the Electoral College?
    popular vote winner does not win electoral vote
  3. What are swing states?
    states that are undecided on a presidential candidate
  4. How do lobbying groups influence government decisions?
    Money and pursuasion, vote for people with the same views as you
  5. What were the goals of Alexander Hamilton's financial plan
    to issues paper money and create a national bank
  6. Why did Thomas Jefferson oppose Alexander Hamilton's plan to create a national bank?
    it was not among the enumerated powers (Jefferson - Strict constructionist)
  7. How are political parties, congressional committee systems, judicial review, and the cabinet similar?
    unwritten constitution
  8. What were the major purposes of the Monroe doctrine?
    discontinue European influence in Americas
  9. How were Washington's neutrality proclamation, the Embargo act, and the Monroe Doctrine similar?
    they were all meant to protect American Independence
  10. What advice was given in Washington's farewell address?
    no alliances, no political disunity
  11. What was the geographic and economic motivation for the Louisiana purchase?
    Mississippi trade
  12. Why did the Louisiana purchase initially present a delemma for President Thomas Jefferson
    It opposed to view of his political party because it was not an enumerated power
  13. What is the unwritten constitution?
    precedents set that are not within the constitution
  14. What were the results of the spoils system during the presidency of Andrew Jacksin?
    increased democracy
  15. What was President Andrew Jackson's policy toward Native American Indians?
    they were forced to relocate to Oklahoma
  16. What were the goals of most tariffs in the 19th century?
    provide the government with money and help businesses within America
  17. What was the governmental effect of many of the decisions made by the Marshall Court?
    Increased federal government and Supreme Court power (established Judicial review)
  18. What was the Missouri compromise of 1820?
    Made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state. banned slavery North of 36*30' line
  19. What constitutional issue was the concern of nullification, protective tariffs, and the spread of slavery?
    state v. federal power
  20. How were the Nullification Crisis, Kansas-Nebraska act, Dred Scott case, and Lincoln's election similar?
    causes of civil war
  21. How did the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin contribute to the start of the Civil War?
    showed northerners what was happening in the South
  22. How did abolitionist react to the Fugitive Slave Act?
    Started Underground Railroad (Civil Disobedience)
Card Set
US Midterm 3
History Midterm