History Final Exam

  1. Pelaponnesian War
    Sparta vs. Athens (Sparta won)
  2. Sparta
    War/Military driven city in ancient Greece
  3. Socrates
    A philospher and teacher of reasoning, died from hemlock poisen
  4. Alexander the Great
    Known for his conquests, he expanded borders, and blended east and west cultures.
  5. Athens
    A city in ancient Greece most rich in knowledge and thoughts on way of life
  6. Pericles
    He made the funeral speech (fair minded person) expanded more freedoms
  7. Aristotle
    One of the greatest of the ancient Athenian philosophers
  8. Pax Romana
    The long period of peace enforced on states in the Roman Empire
  9. Aqueducts
    Pipes that carry water over vallies
  10. Circus Maximus
    Chariot Races
  11. Julius Ceaser
    Roman statesman and general, conqueror of Gaul
  12. Hannibal
    General who commanded the Carthaginian army in the second Punic War, and defeated the Romans
  13. Colloseum
    Large ampitheater in the center of Rome
  14. Punic Wars
    A series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage
  15. Constantine
    Emperor of Rome who stopped the persecution of Christians
  16. Republic
    A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens
  17. Agustace
    Roman statesman who established the Roman Empire and became emperor
  18. Carthage
    Phoenician city-state
  19. Medici's
    Aristocratic Italian family of powerful merchants and bankers who ruled Florence
  20. Humanism
    Study of classical works
  21. Henery VII
    seperated from the Roman Catholics and started his own church of England
  22. Michelangelo
    Florentine sculptor and painter and architect
  23. Perspective
    An artists effect that gave drawings a three dimensional look
  24. Heliocentric
    Earth revolves around the sun
  25. Martin Luther
    Was against indulgences
  26. Indulgences
    People pay for forgiveness
  27. Luthers 95 Thesis
    Attacks every aspect of how indulgences were wrong
  28. Machiavelle
    Wrote the Prince
  29. Mary Trudor
    Burned many English Protestans
  30. Patron
    Someone who supported the arts
  31. Pizzaro
    Conquered the Incas
  32. Middle Passage
    Atlantic slave trade
  33. Capitalism
    An economic system based on private ownership
  34. Bartolome de las Casas
    Opposed forced labor and advicated Indian rights
  35. Moctezuma
    Aztec emperor
  36. Columbian Exchange
    Exchange of animal, plants, culture communicable diseases, and ideas
  37. Speculation
    A message expressing an opinion
  38. Cortes
    Conquered the Aztecs
  39. Encomiendas
    Grants of Indian laborers
  40. Treaty of Paris
    Treaty that ended the French and Indian war
  41. Malinche
    Spanish Aztec translator
  42. Mercantalism
    Pay for soldiers
  43. Inflation
    Import more than export
  44. Describe the Greek Society, icluding the diffrences between Athens and Sparta and how various wars influenced Greek History
    • Sparta-Military based
    • Athens- knowledge based
    • There were many wars in ancient Greece, like the peloponnesian war and the Trojan war, that Greece became stronger through, which Sparta won.
  45. Explain both rise and fall of the Roman empire. How did Rome rise to such power and what people were behind this rise? Why did the Pax Romana end? What was Rome's atitude towards religeons and how did christianity spread?
    Rome rose because because they treated the conquered nicely, and it rose so greatly because of Agustus and Julius Ceaser. The Pax Roman ended because Rome ceased to grow, and people were unhappy and living in poverty.Romes atitude towards other religeons was you either convert or face death
  46. What were the ideals of the Renaissance, and how did Italian artists and writers reflect these ideals? How did the Medici impact the renaissance? Explain the reformation both from the Christian perspective and the Catholic Perspective.
    • The ideals was that art was based off of religeon and faith and rebirth of art. The Medici family impacted the spread of art because they were so powerful when someone sees a famous man like art, they will like it too.
    • Christian- For Martin luther, against indulgences, see forgiveness
    • Catholic- For the pope and indulgences
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History Final Exam
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