BC Microcytic anemia WK4.txt

  1. What anemias are Hypoproliferative/Hyperproliferative?
    • Hypo: IDA, ACD (Underproduce RBC)
    • Hyper: SA, H (Destroyed RBC)
  2. What is the diff b/t Insuff/Ineff erythro.?
    • Insuff: underproduced RBC, low CR
    • Ineff: RBC destroyed early, high IBIL
  3. What happens to transferrin in cases if iron deficiency/overload?
    • Deficiency: Increase transferrin
    • Overload: decrease transferrin
  4. What is the relation b/t ferritin, TIBC and transferrin levels?
    Ferritin is inverse both TIBC & Transferrin
  5. How do you calculate your % saturation of Iron?
    Serum Iron/TIBC = % iron saturation of transferrin
  6. How many mg of iron are there per milliliter?
    0.5 mg/1ml
  7. What is the relation b/t iron and hepcidin?
    work together, as one goes up the other follows
  8. What interleukins are involved in ACD?
  9. What happens with the interleukins during hypoferremia?
    • IL-1: releases lactoferrin from neutrophils to transfer extra iron to macrophages for degradation
    • IL-6: increases hepcidin to not exocytose the iron in the macrophage
  10. What are the two types of sideroblastic anemia and their causes?
    • 1) inherited: ALA-S2
    • 2) Acquired: alcoholism, lead poisoning ***more common***
  11. What happens to hepcidin during hypoxia and why?
    • Hepcidin decreases
    • Occurs b/c there is a higher need for erythropoiesis
    • This calls for more iron which needs more FPN
  12. How does TIBC and Ferritin compare in IDA and ACD?
    • ACD: TIBC low, Ferritin high
    • IDA: TIBC high, Ferritin low
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BC Microcytic anemia WK4.txt
BC Microcytic anemia WK4