Gram-positive bacillus (rod)
- "Square-cut" ends
- Occurs singly, in pairs, or in long chains ("string of pearls")
- Oval spores
- Centrally located
B. anthracis (Anthrax)
B. anthracis (Anthrax)Growth Media
Grows best on blood agar at 37 degrees Celcius
- Nonhemolytic
- Produces rough colonies, with irregular edges ("Medusa head")
Liquefies gelatin
- "Stabs" resemble "inverted fir trees"
B. anthracis (Anthrax)
Antigenic Structure
Has 3 exotoxins: protective antigen, edema toxin, lethal toxin
For disease to occur, the following must be present: edema toxin, lethal toxin, and capsule
B. anthracis (Anthrax)
Diagnostic Tests for this organism include:
-DFA test (direct fluorescent antibody)
-Nucleic acid amplification tests (PCR)
-Europium nanoparticle-based immunoassay (ENIA)
B. anthracis (Anthrax)
Drugs of first choice
- Ciprofloxacin
- Doxycycline
B. anthracis (Anthrax)
Gram-positive bacillus that commonly appears to be Gram-Negative
Terminal Spores
-"tennis racket" or "drumstick" appearance
C. tetani (Tetanus) / C. botulinum (Botulism) / C. perfringens (Clostridial Myonecrosis/Gas Gangrene)
Growth Media
-Blood agar at 37C under anaerobic conditions
-Liquid medium with reducing agents under aerobic conditions
-Growth on solid media
-- colonies with compact center and irregular edges, with a loose meshwork of filaments spread on the surface ("sprig of maidenhair fern")
-Difficult to grow and identify
C. tetani (Tetanus) / C. botulinum (Botulism) / C. perfringens (Clostridial Myonecrosis/Gas Gangrene)
Antigenic Structure
produces 2 exotoxins: tetanolysin and tetanospasmin
C. tetani (Tetanus)
Diagnostic Tests for this organism include:
Mouse virulence assay
-recover organism from culture
-tetanus antitoxin neutralization test
-confirms production of tetanospasmin
C. tetani (Tetanus)
Drug of first choice - Metronidazole
*Penicillin is contraindicated
C. tetani (Tetanus)
-Produces an exotoxin with 7 antigenic variants
-Only one toxin is produced by most individual isolates
-The toxins are neurotoxins
*type A exotoxin is the MOST POTENT POISON known to man
C. botulinum (Botulism)
Diagnosis (very difficult)
Confirmation via demonstration of the presence of the toxin in feces or serum
Food or biospecimen may be analyzed for neurotoxin in the mouse virulence assay
C. botulinum (Botulism)
-Elimination of the source of toxin
-Elimination of any unabsorbed toxin
-Neutralization of any unbound toxin with specific antitoxin
-Provide supportive care (Mechanical Ventilation)
**Trivalent botulinum antitoxin is available
C. botulinum (Botulism)
Slender, Gram-Positive rods
- Anaerobic
- Large, oval, subterminal spores
Multiple and varied fermentation products
-particularly short chain fatty acids
Numerous degradative enzymes - Hyaluronidases, Collagenases, Proteases
C. difficile (AAC)
-CDC Agar
-Cycloserine-cefoxitin-fructose agar (CCF agar)
C. difficile (AAC)
Antigenic Structure
Two toxins: Enterotoxin (toxin A) and Cytotoxin B (toxin B)
Other virulence factors - bacterial surface layer proteins (SLP) ----> produces disease
C. difficile (AAC)
-History and symptomatology
-Isolation and identification of the organism from a stool specimen, as well as toxin detection, requires initial cultivation of a selective agar medium
C. difficile (AAC)
Treatment (Oral Antiobiotic Therapy)
C. difficile (AAC)
Antigenic Structure
A variety of toxins and enzymes are produced (at least 12)
-Alpha toxin (lecithinase)
-Beta toxin
-Iota toxin
-Kappa toxin
-Mu toxin
-Nu toxin
C. perfringens (Clostridial Myonecrosis/Gas Gangrene)
Diagnostic Tests
-Nagler Reaction- detects the presence of Alpha toxin
C. perfringens (Clostridial Myonecrosis/Gas Gangrene)
Drug of first choice - high dose penicillin + Clindamycin
Mechanical Ventilation (hyperbaric oxygen chambers)
C. perfringens (Clostridial Myonecrosis/Gas Gangrene)
-Gram-positive bacillus
-metachromatic granules
C. Diphtheriae (Diphtheria)
Growth Media
-Organisms grow well on Loeffler's coagulated serum slant
-Frequently characterized via growth on a cysteine-tellurite agar plate
C. Diphtheriae (Diphtheria)
Antigenic Structure
-K antigen
-Diphtheria Exotoxin
C. Diphtheriae (Diphtheria)
Diagnostic Tools
Elek immunodiffusion test +
C. Diphtheriae (Diphtheria)
-Early Administration of antitoxin
-Drug of first choice - Erythromycin
C. Diphtheriae (Diphtheria)
-very small gram-negative coccobacillus
-possess fimbriae
Bordetella pertussis (Pertussis)
Growth Media
--traditional media -> Bordet-Gengou Medium
Bordetella pertussis (Pertussis)
Antigenic Structure
protein exotoxin
Bordetella pertussis (Pertussis)
Diagnostic Tests
Nasopharyngeal swabs using
-Direct fluorescence antibody stains (DFA)
Bordetella pertussis (Pertussis)
Oxygen inhalation;
sedation; steroid therapy
Drug of 1st Choice
Bordetella pertussis (Pertussis)
Small, Gram-negative coccobacillus
Wayson bipolar stain
Yersinia pestis (Plague)
Growth Media
Growth is optimal on blood agar at 28C
Yersinia pestis (Plague)
Antigenic Structure
V-W antigens (YOPs)
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Yersinia pestis (Plague)
Diagnostic Tool
Bipolar Wayson stain + Bubo
aspirate DFA stain
Yersinia pestis (Plague)
Drug of 1st choice - Streptomycin +/- Tetracycline
Yersinia pestis (Plague)
Spiral-shaped or curved Gram-negative bacillus
H. pylori (PUD)
Growth Media
Fresh chocolate (hemolyzed blood) agar
Modified Thayer-Martin agar
H. pylori (PUD)
Antigenic Structure
produce a urease enzyme
H. pylori (PUD)
Diagnostic Tests
Urea breath-test
Tissue biopsy
Antigen detection
H. pylori (PUD)
Combination antibiotic therapy is standard
-Bismuth Subsalicylate
H. pylori (PUD)