BC Antioxidants #17.txt

  1. What is a ROS?
    Free radical oxygen that can oxidize other molecules in the body
  2. What are the three radical ROS? (SHN)
    • Superoxide radicals
    • **Hydroxyl radicals
    • Nitric Oxide Radicals
  3. What is the one main non-radical ROS?
    Hydrogen peroxide
  4. How are ROS created? (4)
    • Oxidation metabolism
    • Metals
    • Toxins
    • Drugs
  5. Why are antioxidants important?
    They can decrease effects of ROS
  6. What is Oxidative Stress?
    When the ROS outweigh the antioxidants in the body system
  7. How does an antioxidant function?
    It reduces the ROS and, in so doing, takes the hit of being oxidized
  8. How is a radical ROS produced in the mitochondria? What type?
    • ETC in mitochondria
    • Coenzyme Q (b/t II and III)
    • Superoxide radical
  9. How does heme-iron form Superoxide radicals?
    Heme-Ferrous reacts with Oxygen to produce heme-ferric for the glutathione reductase rxn
  10. How is hydrogen peroxide formed?
    Superoxide radicals reacting with other agents
  11. What is the Fenton Rxn?
    Hydrogen peroxide reacting with ferrous iron to produce Hydroxyl radicals
  12. How does Radiation contribute to radical ROS?
    Sunlight reacts with water to produce Hydroxyl radicals
  13. How do ROS work in neutrophils?
    • NADPH oxidase reacts with Oxygen to produce ROS
    • ROS produce HOCl which is an antibacterial agent to degrade bacterium
  14. What is Chronic Granulomatous Disease?
    • When NADPH oxidase is not present in the body so you cannot produce the superoxide radical to produce HOCl necessary to degrade bacteria
    • People suffer from bacterial infection
  15. What is the most dangerous radical ROS?
    Hydroxyl radical
  16. What is the most common oxidative damage?
    Lipid peroxidation
  17. How does Lipid Oxidation occur?
    • 1) Hydroxyl radical attacks PUFA
    • 2) PUFA gives up Hydrogen and b/c a radical
    • 3) radical rxs with O2 to form peroxide***
    • 4) Peroxide removes hydrogen off of following PUFA
    • 5) chain rxn continues
  18. Why is the peroxide from lipid peroxidation dangerous?
    • The peroxide is hydrophilic so it moves into the outer layer of the membrance
    • This punctures the cell wall and creates a leaky lipid layer
  19. What is necessary for Vit. E production?
    Bile Salts
  20. What recycles Vit. E?
    Vit. C
  21. What delivers Vit. E to the liver?
    CM remnants
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BC Antioxidants #17.txt
BC Antioxidants #17