Chapter 43- Reptile

  1. Dinosaurs
    Appeared and evolved into a great variety of forms during the Mesozoic era.
  2. Asteroid-impact hypothesis
    Suggest that a huge asteroid hit the earth, sending so much dust into the atmosphere that the amount of sunlight reaching the earths surface was greatly reduced.
  3. Amniotic Eggs
    which encase the embryo in a secure,self-contained aquatic environment.
  4. Amnion
    Thin membrane enclosing the fluid in which the embryo floats.
  5. Yolk sac
    encloses the yolk, a fat rich food supply for the developing embryo.
  6. Allantois
    stores the nitrogenous wastes produced by the embryo.
  7. Chorion
    surrounds all the other membranes and helps protect the developing embryo.
  8. Albumen
    Where the protein and water needed by the embryo are contained.
  9. Keratin
    is the same protein that forms your fingernails and hair.
  10. Septum
    wall of tissue that divides a single ventricle.
  11. Alveoli
    the linging of the lungs may be folded into numerous small sacs
  12. Jacobson's organ
    is a specialized sense organ located in the roof of the mouth of reptiles.
  13. Thermoregulation
    the control of the body temperature.
  14. Ectotherm
    warms its body by absorbing heat from its surroundings.
  15. Endotherm
    such as mammals and birds, have a rapid metabolism which generates heat needed to warm the body.
  16. Oviparity
    the femals reproductive tract encloses each egg in a tough protective shell.
  17. Ovoviviparity
    Retaining the eggs within the female's body untill there is no hazards.
  18. Viviparity
    a shell does not form around the egg, and the young are retained within the femals body untill they are mature enough to be born.
  19. Placenta
    Nutrients and oxygen are transferred from the mother to embryo through a structure called the placenta.
  20. Carapace
    is the top, or dorsal, part of the shell.
  21. Plastron
    is the lower, or ventral, portion of the shell.
  22. Autotomy
    if threatened by a predator, some lizards have the ability to detatch their tail.
  23. Constrictors
    wrap their bodies around prey.
  24. Elapid
    Snakes inject poisons through two small, fixd fangs in the front of there mouths.
  25. Vipers
    inject venom through large, mobile fangs in the front of the mouth.
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Chapter 43- Reptile