Bio 11.1

  1. nervous system
    • -Regulates body structures and processes to maintain homeostasis despite fluctuations in the internal and external environment ex(constriction and dialation of blood vessels)
    • -made up of the brain and spinal cord as well ad the nerves that emerge from them and connect them to the rest of the body
  2. Homeostasis
    The tendency of the body to maintain a relatively constant internal environment
  3. Central nervous system (CNS)
    • -Concists of the brain and spinal cord
    • -Intergrates and processes information sent by nerves
  4. Peripheral nervous system
    • -Nerves that carry sensory messages to the Central Nervous system (CNS)
    • -Nerves that send information from the CNS to the muscles and glands
  5. Organization of the Human nervous system (chart)
  6. Stomatic nervous system
    • - In vertebrates, division of the perpheral nervous system that controls VOLUNTARY movement of skeletal muscle
    • -Conducts signals from the centralnervous system to the skeleral muscles and signals from the sensory receptors in the body to the CNS

    -compare: automomic system
  7. Automomic Nervous System
    -in vertebrates, the division of the periphreal nervous sytem that is under INVOLUNTARY control

    -Regulates glandular secretions and function of smooth and cardicac muscle

    Compare: Somatic system
  8. What 2 main types of cells make up the nervous system?
    • 1. Neurons
    • 2. Glial cells (cells that support the neurons)
  9. Sympatetic and parasympatetic nervous systems
  10. Neuron
    • -Basic structural and functional units of the nervous system
    • -Specialized to:
    • ~respond to physical and chemical stimuli
    • ~Conduct electrochemical signals
    • ~Release chemicals that regulate body processes

    • Bonus
    • -Consists of a nucleus, cellbody, dendrites, axons, and a myethin sheath
  11. Glial
    • -Out number neurons by about 10 to 1
    • -Account or about half of the nervous systems volume
    • -Nourish the neurons
    • -remove wastes
    • -Defend against infection
    • -Provide a support framework for nerve tissue
  12. Nerves
    • -Message pathway of the nervous system
    • -Made up of many neurons grouped into bundles and surrounded by a protective connective tissue

    • Bonus
    • -Some nerves are sensory (receptors)
    • -Some nerves are motor(muscles)
  13. What 3 types of neurons form the basic impulse- transmission pathway of the entire nervous system?
    • 1. Senosry imput neurond
    • 2. Internurons (Integration)
    • 3. mortor output neurons
  14. Sensory input
    • - Sensory neurons gather information from the sensory receptors (sences)
    • - and transmit these impulses to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)
  15. Integration
    • -Neurons found within the nervous system
    • -Link between sensory and motor
    • -Process and intergrate incoming info and relay outgoing motor info
  16. Motor output
    • -Transmit information from the CNS to muscles, glands and other organs (effectors)
    • - Impulses travel to the motor neuron via interneurons
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Bio 11.1
Introduction to the nervous system