Adrenergic agonists

  1. What do adrenergic agonsists do:
    • stimulate sympathetic nervous system
    • increase cardiac output
    • raise blood pressure
    • increase uring output
    • constrict blood vessels
  2. Catecholamine info
    • can not be oral
    • don't cross blood brain barrier
    • have short action
  3. 3 main adrenergic agonists and what used for
    • Epinephrine for AV blocks, cardiac arrest & asthma
    • Dopamine for shock and heart failure
    • Dobutamine for heart failure
  4. Interactions for adrenergic agonists
    • avoid using MAOI's
    • avoid tricyclic depressants
    • with general anesthesia the heart becomes hypersensitive to epinephrine causing dysrhythmias
    • alpha adrenergic blockers - blocks receptors
    • beta blockers - block beta receptors
    • diuretics - promote beneficial effect of dopamine - monitor for therapeutic effects
  5. Epinephrine uses
    • vasoconstriction
    • slows absorption of local anesthetics
    • manages superficial bleeding
    • decrease nasal congestion
    • increse blood pressure
  6. Epinephrine beta 1 actions
    • increase heart rate
    • increase myocardial contractility
    • increase rate of conduction through AV node
  7. Epinephrine beta 2 actions
  8. Epinephrine adverse effects & nursing actions
    • can lead to hypertension - monitor heart rate & vitals
    • can cause dysrhythmias - monitor for dysrhythmias
    • increased heart rate can increase workload of heart and increase need for oxygen - monitor for chest pain
  9. Dopamine dosing - low dose effects
    dilation of renal blood vessels
  10. Dopamine dosing - moderate dose
    • dilation of renal blood vessels
    • increase heart reat
    • increased myocardial contractility
    • increased AV node conduction rate
  11. Dopamine dosing - high dose
    • dilation of renal blood vessels
    • increased heart rate
    • increased myocardial contractility
    • increased AV node conduction rate
    • vasoconstriction
  12. Dopamine side effects & nursing actions
    • dysrhythmias \\\\\\\\\\\
    • increased heart workload-------- monitor heart rate, pain, dysrhythmias
    • increased oxygen need ///////////
    • necrosis from extravasation from high doses ---- monitor IV site
  13. Dobutamine effects
    • only affects beta 1 receptors
    • increased heart rate
    • increased myocardial contractility
    • increased AV node conduction
Card Set
Adrenergic agonists
adrenergic agonists for cardio use