dental assisting

  1. What is the branch of dentistry that deals with diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the tooth pulp and the periapical tissue?
  2. What is pulpal pain called?
  3. What are the four degrees of severity?
    incipient pulpalgia, moderate pulpalgia, advanced pulpalgia, and chronic pulpalgia
  4. What is mild discomfort possible after preparation of a tooth? The condition may also be stimulated by an irritant such as cold, sugar, or traumatic occlusion.
    Inipient pulpalgia
  5. What may start from simply lying down or leaning forward with the head down? The patient may describe as nagging pain and responds quickly to a pulp tester.
    Moderate pulpalgia
  6. What is it called when the patient is in acute pain, which may be described as severe and constant pain? It is inflammed pulp that reacts violently to the application of heat.
    Advanced Pulpalgia
  7. What is discomfort that may be described as "grumbling" pain, which asprin may control? It may continue for months or years and vague pain may refer to the other areas of the quad.
    Chronic pulpalgia
  8. What is the decompistion of proteins and tissue with the production of foul smelling products?
  9. What is felt by a patient as pain,tenderness, pressure, and nausea?
  10. What are symptoms determined by dentist's observation during clinical exam and diagnosis of PA x-rays?
  11. Which endodontic files are white?
    15 and 45
  12. Which endodontic files are yellow?
    20 and 50
  13. Which endodontic files are red?
    25 and 55
  14. Which endodontic files are blue?
    30 and 60
  15. Which endodontic files are green?
    35 and 70
  16. Which endodontic files are black?
    40 and 80
  17. Endodontic files 15-20 are known as...
  18. Endodontic files 30 and up are known as...
  19. 8 and 10 endodontic files are also known as..
    K-Type (pathfinders)
  20. What is it called to engaged and remove pulp tissue, cotton pellets, absorbent points, and other debris from root canal, not used prepare canal because of weakness of manufactured barbs?
  21. What prepares the canal by placing file in the canal, making a one-quarter turn clockwise and with drawing it? The most common instrument for preparing root canal.
  22. What means to cut the dentinal walls of canal with a screwing movement?
  23. What means to prepare the canal by placing the file into the canal and withdrawing it against the canal wall= enlarge canal?
  24. What is placed on files when measured to prevent file from accessing too far, perforation of apex which is irreversible?
    rubber stops
  25. What is the partial removal of pulp, tooth remains vital?
  26. What is the complete removal of pulp or RCT?
  27. What is it called when the pulp is not yet exposed but chance of exposure lader when removal of decay close to pulp?
    indirect pulp capping
  28. What is it called when the pulp is slightly exposed, tooth remains vital, may become infected and require additional treatment or become necrotic and require RCT?
    direct pulp capping
  29. What condenses gutta percha laterally into the canal?
    Endodontic spreaders
  30. What should always be used to prevent the spread of infection?
    rubber dam
  31. What is used to irrigate pulpal canals?
    endodontic irrigating syringes
  32. What is 5cc?
    sodium hypochlorite (clorox) 1(clorox):5(water)
  33. What is 3cc?
    Hydrogen peroxide
  34. What is used to measure the working length of the root canals?
    endodontic ruler
  35. What is called to place a paste filling into the canal, by hand or by engina operation?
    lentulo spirals
  36. What expands the canal orifices?
    gates glidden
  37. What opens in diameter of the prepared root canal in the preparation of a post hole for the post and core?
    pesso reamer
  38. What are the horizontal and vertical grooves for holding points?
    endo locking pliers
  39. What is the absorbent points that dry canals?
    paper points
  40. What is placed in the canal to control microbial activity?
    placement of medicaments
  41. What is placed on cotton pellet on floor of pulp chamber and place temporary restoration on top called?
    formal cresol
  42. What is "fake pulp", plastic material that replaces pulp of tooth called?
    gutta percha
  43. What is the size of the last file used?
    master cone
  44. What is it called when filling in the remaining space?
    accessory points
  45. What is the temp filling material called?
  46. What bur is most commonly used?
    56 bur for the high speed and 6 & 8 round for the low speed
  47. What tubliseal or sealplex coats master cone and accesory points?
    calcium hydroxide
  48. What is the chairside sterilizer that sterilizes files, reamers and broaches called? That are filled with a glass bead or table salt. Heat set to 450 degrees at 10-12 seconds duration.
    Glass Bead Sterilizer
  49. What is the decalcification and removal of tooth structure by chemical means?
  50. What is the excision of apical portin of the root?
  51. What is the filled root portion of amalgam called when it is placed apical seal is not adequate, Class one prep made at apex and filled with material?
    Retrograde Restoration
  52. What is placed six months after RCT is completed that provides stability? It is fabricated by dental lab placed with a crown because of RTC. Treated tooth is no longer vital and will be brittle and is in danager of fracturing at the cervical line.
    post and core
  53. What is a localized accumlation of pus in a cavity formed by tissue disintegration?
  54. Pretaining to a traumatic pathologic or physiologic phenomenon or process that has a short and relatively severe course is called what?
  55. Surgical removal of a infectious material surrounding the apex of the root?
    apical curettage
  56. What is the healthy tooth used as a standard to compare questionable teeth of similar size and structure during pulp vitality testing called?
    control tooth
  57. To remove or clean out the pulpal canal is called ..
  58. What is the infectious condition in which the pulp is incapable of healing which would then require root canal therapy?
    irreversible pulpitis
  59. What is the process of filling a root canal?
  60. What is the technique of examining the soft tissue with the examiners hands or fingertips?
  61. What is the examination technique that involves the tapping of the incisal or occlusal surface of a tooth to assess vitality?
  62. What is making a hole as in breaking through and extending the apex of the root?
  63. What is the application of dental material to a cavity with an exposed or nearly exposed dental pulp?
    pulp cap
  64. What is the removal of the dental pulp and filling of the canal with material?
    root canal therapy
  65. What are the two sources of pulpal nerve damage?
    physical irritation and trauma
  66. What are the different ways of endodontic diagnosis?
    percussion and palpation, thermal sensitivity, electric pulp testing, radiographs, and electronic apex locator
  67. What occurs when the pulp is irritated and the patient is experiencing pain to thermal stimuli?
    reversible pulpitis
  68. What displays symptoms of lingering pain?
    irreversible pulpitis
  69. what is an inflammatory reaction to pulpal infection?
    periradicular abscess
  70. What is an inflammatory reaction that is frequently caused by bacteria entrapped in the periodontal sulcus?
    periodontal abscess
  71. What develops at or near the root of a neurotic tooth?
    periradicular cyst
  72. What are the indications for endo treatment?
    • 1. pulp is irrepairably inflamed state
    • 2. tooth can be restorted to function following endo treatment
    • 3. tooth has been accidentally fractured or avulsed so that the pulp is traumatizied but can still be saved.
    • 4. Endo treatment may be indicated in conjuction with perio therapy to save tooth
    • 5. Endo treatment natural tooth can maintain integrity of dental arch
    • 6. esthetics and function of natural dentition are maintained
  73. What are the contraindications for treatment?
    • 1. tooth cant be restored to a functional role in the arch.
    • 2. tooth cant be maintained periodontally
    • 3. tooth is not strategic to the dental health of patient
    • 4. patients medical treatment does not permit treatment
    • 5. patient refuses treatment
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dental assisting