Chapter 4 Voc.

  1. Define band.
    a small group of related families who occupy the same territory and interact with each other
  2. Define beliefs.
    shared ideas about what is true
  3. Define chiefdom.
    a centralized society in which power is concentrated in a single chief who heads a ranked hierarchy of people
  4. Define cultural generalizations.
    descriptions of commonly shared values, beliefs, and behaviors in a society
  5. Define cultural relativity.
    suspending judgment of other societies' customs, customs, practices, and institutions
  6. Define culture.
    all of the ways of life common to a society
  7. Define ethnocentrism.
    judging other cultures solely in relation to one's own culture
  8. Define family.
    traditionally defined as a residential kin group
  9. Define folkways.
    trivial norms that guide actions
  10. Define functionalism.
    a perspective in anthropology that explores how cultural institutions and practices serve individual or societal needs
  11. Define gender.
    the cultural characteristics linked to male and female that define people as masculine and feminine
  12. Define idealism.
    a perspective in anthropology that focuses on the importance of ideas in determining culture
  13. Define intensification.
    the process wherein a population exploits the environment and applies knowledge and labor intensely in response to population growth
  14. Define kinship group.
    people related to one another by blood
  15. Define marriage.
    a socially approved sexual and economic union between a man and a woman, intended to be lasting, and implying social roles between the spouses and their children
  16. Define materialist perspective.
    a perspective in anthropology that focuses on how people make their living in their specific environmental setting or culture
  17. Define monogamy.
    marriage union of one husband and one wife
  18. Define multiculturalism.
    acknowledging, protecting, and promoting multiple cultures and subcultures
  19. Define nation.
    a society that sees itself as one people with a common culture, history, institutions, ideology, language, and territory
  20. Define norms.
    shared rules and expectations about behavior
  21. Define patriarchal family.
    the male is the dominant authority
  22. Define patrilineal.
    kinship is determined through the male line
  23. Define political system.
    the organization and distribution of power in society
  24. Define public/private split.
    the theory that men dominate in the public sphere and women focus on the private or domestic sphere
  25. Define religion.
    a set of beliefs and practices pertaining to supernatural powers and the origins and meaning of life
  26. Define sex.
    the biological characteristics distinguishing male from female
  27. Define socialization process.
    process by which culture is communicated to successive generations
  28. Define state.
    a permanent, centralized organization with a defined territory and recognized authority to make and enforce rules
  29. Define subcultures.
    variations in ways of life within a society
  30. Define symbols.
    anything that communicates meaning, including language, art, and music
  31. Define tribe.
    a group of separate bands or villages sharing a common language and culture who come together for greater security
  32. Define values.
    shared ideas about what is good and desirable
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Chapter 4 Voc.
Chapter 4: Power & Culture Vocab.