Characteristics of the original state of man:
- -created to share in God's love & friendship
- -given preternatural virtues
- -created in a state of holiness and justice
How Original Sin came into the world:
- -Adam & Eve tempted from Satan
- -promised Eve she would become like God with the knowledge of good and evil
The promise Satan gave to Eve:
promised Eve she would become like God with the knowledge of good and evil
The difference between the sin of Adam and Eve and all subsequent sins:
deliberate choise vs. weakness of soul & inclination to sin
Several consiquences of original sin:
- loss of holiness and justice
- loss of friendship with God
- expelled from Garden of Eden
- sin came into the world
- suffering and death
- human mind & human will damaged
- left human nature in wounded condition
Differnce between Stewardship and Ownership:
- stewardship: to look after; to take care of; God made us stewards
- ownership: possestion
Several examples of how we are responsible and irresponsible stewards of the earth:
- responsible: saving people; recycle; go to church; be respectful to everyone
- irresponsible: murder; waste resourses; littering; denying your faith
The mission or vocation, that God gave to Adam and Eve
share in God's love and friendship
The wounds of original sin and the virtues associated with each wound:
- Malice: inclines the will to sin & weakens the will (Justice)
- Ignorance: impeded ability to discern truth (Prudence)
- weakness: causes a person to avoid effort or diffculties (fortitude)
- concupiscence: fosters appetite to escape the dominion of reason (Temperance)
How Original Sin is transmitted and how it gets erased:
- transmited through human propaganda (at time of conception)
- since every human person receives their nature from Adam, we also share in Adam's fallen state
- in need of redemption
- erased through baptism
what angels are:
- spiritual beings (no bodies)
- posseses intelligence and will
- immortal
the pourpose of angles:
to serve God
Only angel refered to as an Archangel in the Bible:
in Daniel 10:13 is refered to as a Prince
Appered to Tobias in the book of Tobit
Isreal's gaurdian angel
spiritual sense: most immediate and direct meaning of the text
three main spiritual senses:
- allegorical
- moral
- anagogical
shows how people and events in salvation history parallel future people or events
Interprets the heroes of scripture as models for life
makes known knowledge of heaven through the events of Sacred Scripture
Anagogical sense
tiller of the ground
How did God react to Abels death
- di not abandon Cain
- protected Cain
After Abel died, Eve gave birth to:
what were the sins of Seth?
- descendents of Seth & Cain intermarrried
- cause humans to be dominated by weakness
- God punished them by shortning their life
alliances between God and a particular person, people, or nation
People with covenants
- Noah
- Abraham
- Issac
- Jacob
- David
- Mosses
10 Commanments in order
- 1. I am the LORD your God. You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.
- 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
- 3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
- 4. Honor your father and your mother.
- 5. You shall not kill.
- 6. You shall not commit adultery.
- 7. You shall not steal.
- 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- 9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
- 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
the visit of the angel Gabriel to the virgin savior
making amens for an offense through a voluntary action that gets rid of injustice
Latin for 'let it be done'; Mary's respone to God when he told her to be the mother of Jesus
special messanger of God to Mery at Annunciation
Mary's conception preserved from all Original Sin
Immaculate Conception
making right with God
Gaspar, Melchoir, Balthasar
received an angelic message informing him that the child was the promised Messiah
Joseph's Annunciation
Prefigures the cross//
the shroud//
swaddling clothes
the first to receive the news of Christ's birth//
"house of bread"//
christ's divinity//
christ's eventual crusifiction//
recognized Jesus as savior during the presintation:
St. Simeon; St. Anna
Albert the great is the patron saint of
Andrew is the patron saint of:
Ann patron saint of
Francis of Assisi
merchants and animals
Gregory the Great
singers & teachers
Joan of Arc
soldiers and France
accountants and bankers
Theresa of Avila
headache sufferes
Therese of Lisieux