Ch. 4 Chapter Test

  1. Accommodation
    the act of adjusting something to make it fit the needs; in the case of the eyes, the lens adjusts itself
  2. Acute otitis media
    presence of pus in the middle ear with pain in the ear, fever, and redness of the tympanic membrane
  3. Ampulla
    dilated portion of a canal or duct
  4. Audiometer
    instrument to measure hearing
  5. Bilateral
    on two sides
  6. BPPV
    Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
  7. Canthus
    corner of the eye where the upper and lower lids meet
  8. Cataract
    complete or partial opacity of the lens
  9. Color blind
    hereditary lack of response by one or more of the three types of cones
  10. Dacryostenosis
    narrowing of the nasolacrimal duct
  11. Effusion
    collection of fluid that has escaped from blood vessels into a cavity or tissues
  12. Equilibrium
    being evenly balanced
  13. Glaucoma
    increased intraocular pressure
  14. Keratotomy
    incision in the cornea
  15. Labyrinthitis
    inflammation of the inner ear
  16. Lymphoid tissue
    resembling lymphatic tissue
  17. Mastoid
    small bony protrusion immediately behind the ear
  18. Myringotomy
    incision in the tympanic membrane
  19. Nasolacrimal duct
    passage from the lacrimal sac to the nose
  20. Ocular
    pertaining to the eye
  21. Ossicles
    small bone, particularly relating to the three bones in the middle ear
  22. Otomycoses
    fungal infection of the external ear
  23. Paroxymal
    occuring in sharp, spasmodic episodes
  24. Perforated tympanic membrane
    can occur in AOM when pus in the middle ear cannot escape down the eustachian tube. It builds up pressure and perforates the eardrum
  25. PERRLA
    pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accomodation
  26. Photophobia
    fear of the light because it hurts the eyes
  27. Photoreceptors
    a photoreceptor cell receives light and converts it into electrical impulses
  28. Rinne test
    test for conductive hearing loss
  29. Scleritis
    inflammation of the sclera
  30. Sensorineural hearing loss
    hearing loss caused by lesions of the inner ear of the auditory nerve
  31. Snellen chart
    test for acuity of distant vision
  32. Stapes
    inner (medial) one of the three ossicles of the middle ear; shaped like a stirrup
  33. Swimmer's ear
    a form of otitis externa that comes on after swimming, particularly if the water is polluted
  34. Tinnitus
    persistent ringing, whistling, clicking, or booming noise in the ears
  35. Tonometer
    instrument for determining intraocular pressure
  36. Vertigo
    sensation of spinning or whirling
  37. Vestibule
    space at the entrance to a canal
  38. Weber test
    test for sensorineural hearing loss
  39. Whispered speech test
    ask patient to cover one ear, stand 2 ft away from uncovered ear, whisper words, ask patient to repeat them
Card Set
Ch. 4 Chapter Test
medical terminology