john bible quizzing whos 16th page

  1. Who hates Jesu
    Who hates Jesus' Father as well? / A. He who hates Jesus (15:23)
  2. Who hates the
    Who hates the light? / A. Everyone who does evil (3:20)
  3. Who have done
    Who have done the hard work? / A. Others (4:38)
  4. Who have no e
    Who have no excuse for their sin? / A. Those who persecuted Jesus and will persecute you (15:20; 22)
  5. Who have you
    Who have you seen from now on? / A. The Father (14:7)
  6. Who heard that Jesu
    Who heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem? / A. The great crowd that had come for the Feast (12:12)
  7. Who heard that the
    Who heard that the Pharisees had thrown the man born blind out? / A. Jesus (9:35)
  8. Who heard the cr
    Who heard the crowd whispering such things? / A. The Pharisees (7:32)
  9. Who hears the bridegroom's v
    Who hears the bridegroom's voice? / A. The friend who attends him (3:29)
  10. Who hears the bridegroom�s v
    Who hears the bridegroom�s voice? / A. The friend who attends the bridegroom (3:29)
  11. Who hears what
    Who hears what God says? / A. He who belongs to God (8:47)
  12. Who hid hi
    Who hid himself from the crowd? / A. Jesus (12:36)
  13. Who himself dran
    Who himself drank from the well? / A. Our father Jacob (4:12)
  14. Who himself has
    Who himself has testified concerning the Son? / A. The Father (5:37)
  15. Who in fact
    Who in fact baptized? / A. Jesus' disciples (4:2)
  16. Who in turn
    Who in turn told Jesus? / A. Andrew and Philip (12:22)
  17. Who insist
    Who insisted, "I am the man." / A. The man born blind (9:9)
  18. Who is a devi
    Who is a devil? / A. One of you (the Twelve) (6:70)
  19. Who is a liar
    Who is a liar? / A. Your father, the devil (8:44)
  20. Who is a man
    Who is a man of truth? / A. He who works for the honor of the one who sent him (7:18)
  21. Who is a slav
    Who is a slave to sin? / A. Everyone who sins (8:34)
  22. Who is a thie
    Who is a thief and a robber? / A. The man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way (10:1)
  23. Who is above
    Who is above all? / A. The one who comes from above and the one who comes from heaven (3:31)
  24. Who is askin
    Who is asking for Mary? / A. The Teacher (11:28)
  25. Who is at th
    Who is at the Father�s side? / A. God the One and Only (1:18)
  26. Who is call
    Who is called Christ? / A. Messiah (4:25)
  27. Who is dead?
    Who is dead? / A. Lazarus (11:14)
  28. Who is doing
    Who is doing his work? / A. It is the Father, living in Jesus, who is doing his work (14:10)
  29. Who is full
    Who is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom�s voice? / A. The friend who attends the bridegroom (3:29)
  30. Who is glori
    Who is glorified in the Son of Man? / A. God (13:31)
  31. Who is going
    Who is going to Jesus? / A. Everyone (3:26)
  32. Who is greater than all?
    Who is greater than all? / A. Jesus' Father, who has given the sheep to him (10:29)
  33. Who is greater than Jesu
    Who is greater than Jesus? / A. The Father (14:28)
  34. Who is guilt
    Who is guilty of a greater sin? / A. The one who handed Jesus over to Pilate (19:11)
  35. Who is it n
    Who is it not who has given you the bread from heaven? / A. Moses (6:32)
  36. Who is Jesu
    Who is Jesus' other witness? / A. The Father, who sent him (8:18)
  37. Who is like
    Who is like a branch that is thrown away and withers? / A. Anyone who does not remain in Jesus (15:6)
  38. Who is Mose
    Who is Moses? / A. Your accuser (5:45)
  39. Who is not cond
    Who is not condemned? / A. Whoever believes in him (God's one and only Son) (3:18)
  40. Who is not greater than his
    Who is not greater than his master? / A. No servant (13:16)
  41. Who is not greater than the
    Who is not greater than the one who sent him? / A. A messenger (13:16)
  42. Who is not here
    Who is not here on his own? / A. Jesus (7:28)
  43. Who is not the Sama
    Who is not the Samaritan woman's husband? / A. The man she now has (4:18)
  44. Who is not the shep
    Who is not the shepherd who owns the sheep? / A. The hired hand (10:12)
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john bible quizzing whos 16th page
john bible quizzing whos 16th page