john bible quizzing whos 10th page

  1. Who clothe
    Who clothed Jesus in a purple robe? / A. The soldiers (19:2)
  2. Who come tog
    Who come together in synagogues or at the temple? / A. The Jews (18:20)
  3. Who comes afte
    Who comes after John? / A. One you do not know, the thongs of whose sandals he is not worthy to untie (1:26-27)
  4. Who comes into
    Who comes into the light? / A. Whoever lives by the truth (3:21)
  5. Who comes only
    Who comes only to steal and kill and destroy? / A. The thief (10:10)
  6. Who commanded Jesu
    Who commanded Jesus what to say and how to say it? / A. The Father who sent Jesus (12:49)
  7. Who commanded us t
    Who commanded us to stone such women? / A. Moses (8:5)
  8. Who contin
    Who continued to spread the word? / A. The crowd that was with Jesus when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead (12:17)
  9. Who could
    Who could perform the miraculous signs Jesus is doing? / A. No one if God were not with him (3:2)
  10. Who cries
    Who cries out? / A. John (1:15)
  11. Who crosse
    Who crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee? / A. Jesus (6:1)
  12. Who crucif
    Who crucified Jesus? / A. The soldiers (19:16; 18)
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john bible quizzing whos 10th page
john bible quizzing whos 10th page