john bible quizzing misc. whos 6th page

  1. To whom did Anna
    To whom did Annas send Jesus, still bound? / A. Caiaphas the high priest (18:24)
  2. To whom did Jesus appear a thi
    To whom did Jesus appear a third time? / A. His disciples (21:14)
  3. To whom did Jesus appear again
    To whom did Jesus appear again? / A. To his disciples (21:1)
  4. To whom did Jesus give
    To whom did Jesus give the piece of bread? / A. Judas Iscariot, son of Simon (13:26)
  5. To whom did Jesus say, "Here
    To whom did Jesus say, "Here is your mother"? / A. The disciple whom he loved (19:27)
  6. To whom did Jesus say, "Put
    To whom did Jesus say, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."? / A. Thomas (20:27)
  7. To whom did many
    To whom did many Jews come to comfort? / A. Martha and Mary (11:19)
  8. To whom did Mary
    To whom did Mary come running? / A. Simon Peter and the other disciple (20:2)
  9. To whom did Pila
    To whom did Pilate say, "I find no basis for a charge against him"? / A. The Jews (18:38)
  10. To whom did Simo
    To whom did Simon Peter motion? / A. To this disciple (the one whom Jesus loved) (13:24)
  11. To whom did some
    To whom did some think Jesus was telling Judas to give something? / A. The poor (13:29)
  12. To whom did the neig
    To whom did the neighbors and those who had formerly seen the man begging bring the man? / A. To the Pharisees (9:13)
  13. To whom did the prie
    To whom did the priests and Levites want to take an answer back? / A. Those who sent them (1:22)
  14. To whom did the shee
    To whom did the sheep not listen? / A. All who ever came before Jesus (10:8)
  15. To whom did the templ
    To whom did the temple guards go back? / A. The chief priests and Pharisees (7:45)
  16. To whom did the true
    To whom did the true light give the right to become children of God? / A. All who received him, to those who believed in his name (1:12)
  17. To whom do the
    To whom do these words belong? / A. The Father who sent Jesus (14:24)
  18. To whom does God list
    To whom does God listen? / A. The godly man who does his will (9:31)
  19. To whom does God not
    To whom does God not listen? / A. Sinners (9:31)
  20. To whom does no o
    To whom does no one come except through Jesus? / A. The Father (14:6)
  21. To whom does the brid
    To whom does the bride belong? / A. The bridegroom (3:29)
  22. To whom does the Son
    To whom does the Son give life? / A. To whom he is pleased to give it (5:21)
  23. To whom had th
    To whom had the Jews who put their faith in Jesus been slaves? / A. No one (8:33)
  24. To whom has Jesus not
    To whom has Jesus not yet returned? / A. The Father (20:17)
  25. To whom has Jesus reve
    To whom has Jesus revealed the Father? / A. To those whom the Father gave him out of the world (17:6)
  26. To whom has Jesus spok
    To whom has Jesus spoken openly? / A. The world (18:20)
  27. To whom is J
    To whom is Jesus returning? / A. His Father and Mary's Father, to his God and her God (20:17)
  28. To whom may t
    To whom may the Son bring glory? / A. The Father (14:13)
  29. To whom might the man
    To whom might the man who comes after John be revealed? / A. Israel (1:31)
  30. To whom might the Son
    To whom might the Son give eternal life? / A. To all those the Father has given him (17:2)
  31. To whom was Jesus firs
    To whom was Jesus first brought? / A. Annas (18:13)
  32. To whom was Jesus retu
    To whom was Jesus returning? / A. To God (13:3)
  33. To whom will
    To whom will Jesus show himself? / A. To him who loves him (14:21)
  34. To whose l
    To whose lips was the sponge lifted? / A. Jesus' (19:29)
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john bible quizzing misc. whos 6th page
john bible quizzing misc. whos 6th page