Negative and Positive Effects on Stimulus

  1. Negative Feedback Mechanisms:
    Effector acts to ______ the initial stimulus
    reduce/ reverse
  2. Ex. Blood Sugar
    eat 4 donuts -> blood sugar ____ ->
    ____ released ->
    blood sugar ______ as well as the _____ level
    • goes up
    • insulin
    • goes down
    • insulin
  3. Ex. Blood Pressure
    Blood Pressure low -> anti diuretic hormone increases -> go to the bathroom less -> retain water-> blood level goes up -> blood pressure goes up -> ADH goes up
  4. Most homeostatic control mechanisms are _____ feedback mechanisms which control ______, ______, _____, _____, _____, _____

    • heart rate
    • blood pressure
    • blood oxygen levels
    • carbon dioxide levels
    • mineral levels
    • breathing rate
  5. Positive Feedback Mechanisms:
    Effector acts to ___ the initial stimulus.
  6. Ex. Blood Clotting
    tear/break in blood vessel, exposes ______ -> ______ stick to these -> they release a chemical that attracts more of them to the damaged area -> the pileup and chemical release leads to _____
    • collagen fibers
    • platelets
    • clot
  7. Ex. Birthing Process
    Baby's head pushes on the _____ -> stimulating pressure _____ -> causes brain to release ______ -> stimulates muscles of ______ to contract -> pressure on the ______ increases -> _____ levels go up -> frequencies of contractions go up, etc. -> baby is born
    • cervix
    • receptors
    • oxytocin
    • uterus
    • cervix
    • oxytocin
  8. When the body is not able to maintain homeostasis.
    Homeostatic Imbalance
Card Set
Negative and Positive Effects on Stimulus
The results of the response then feed back to effect the stimulus, either reducing it (negative feedback) or enhancing it (positive feedback)