CMST 2060 chap 3

  1. Audience
  2. Authorative sphere
  3. Authority
  4. Closed society
  5. Constraints
  6. Contested exigence
  7. Contingency
  8. Conventions
  9. Counterpublics
  10. Demographics
  11. Exigence
  12. External Constraints
  13. Internal constraints
  14. Marginality
  15. Message
  16. Motives of the participants
  17. Occasion
  18. Open society
  19. Opinion
  20. Personal sphere
  21. Practical judgement
  22. Presence
  23. Public
  24. public opinion
  25. public sphere
  26. Purpose
  27. Rhetor
  28. Rhetorical background
  29. Rhetorical constraints
  30. Rhetorical exigence
  31. Rhetorical foreground
  32. Rhetorical situation
  33. Situated audience
  34. Social knowledge
  35. speaker
  36. State
  37. Status
  38. Target audience
  39. Technical situation
  40. Technical sphere
  41. Unconstested exigence
Card Set
CMST 2060 chap 3
Chapter 3 terms