Nurs314 Test 1

  1. What are the 4 goals of the American Nurses Association (ANA)?
    • 1. promote health
    • 2. prevent illness
    • 3. treat human responses to health or illness
    • 4. advocate for individuals, families, communities, and populations
  2. Each states ______ and ______ form the legal framework for practice.
    • Nursing Practice Act
    • Standards of Nursing Practice
  3. What are the roles performed by the nurse that relate to legal accountability?
    • 1. provider of direct and indirect care
    • 2. forensic specialist
    • 3. expert witness
    • 4. reporting responsibilites related to cases of abuse, rape, and sexual assault
  4. The nurse has a _____ obligation to take action to protect a client's privacy and confidentiality.
  5. The concept of privacy includes:
    • right to be left alone
    • give or refuse consent for treatment
    • control of how personal information is shared
  6. What are the 4 areas of legal risk with regards to maintaining a client's safety in practice?
    • failure to monitor client's status
    • medication errors
    • fails
    • use of restraints
  7. Entails purposeful, outcome-directed (result oriented) thinking
    critical thinking
  8. What is critical thinking driven by? Based on? Guided by?
    • driven by patient, family, and community needs
    • based on nursing process, scientific method, evidence-based thinking
    • guided by professional standards and codes of ethics
  9. What are the 5 steps of the nursing process?
    • 1. assessment
    • 2. nursing diagnosis/analysis
    • 3. planning
    • 4. implementation
    • 5. evaluation
  10. _____ functional health patterns is a _____ approach to human functional assessment.
    • Gordon
    • holistic approach
  11. How many functional health patterns does Gordon assess and what do these pattern's look at?
    • 11
    • self-care ability
    • ability to perform ADL's
    • skills needed for independent living
    • social relationships, self-concept, & coping
    • home environment
  12. What are Gordon's 11 functional health patterns?
    • health perception/management
    • nutrition/metabolism
    • elimination
    • sexuality/reproduction
    • sleep/rest
    • coping/stress
    • self perceptions/concept
    • activity/exercise
    • cognitive/perceptual
    • role/relationship
    • values/beliefs
  13. ______ is the process of reviewing a situation for the purpose of identifying the client's needs or problems
  14. Assessment is a _______ process of gathering, verifying, and communicating data about a client's health status
  15. The nursing process begins with what?
    a complete and accurate health assessment
  16. What are the components of a health assessment?
    • health history
    • physical examination
  17. What kind of data is taken from a health history vs a physical examination?
    • health history-subjective data that a client or family member tells you
    • physical examination-objective data that is observable and measurable
  18. What is a therapeutic dialogue?
    used to enhance the subjective data we receive from a patient during a health history
  19. What are the types of assessment data bases?
    • comprehensive
    • focused
    • emergency
    • follow-up/ongoing
  20. What is a comprehensive assessment and when is it taken? What does it provide?
    • complete health history and physical examination
    • annually
    • provides baseline data to measure future changes
  21. Whar is a focused assessment?
    • based on patient issues
    • usually contains only one problem, one cure complex, or one body system
  22. What is an emergency assessment abd what does it involve?
    • life-threatening or unstable situation
    • rapid assessment of: general appearance (color, skin perfusion, level of activity, level of consciousness, position of comfort), ABC's (airway/aeration/aggitation, breathing sounds/respiratory rate, circulation/color/capillary refill), pulses (central, peripheral), vital signs
  23. What are Erikson's stages of psychosocial development?
    • infancy: trust v. mistrust
    • toddler: autonomy v. shame & doubt
    • early childhood: initiative v. guilt
    • early school years: industry v. inferiority
    • adolescence: identity v. role confusion
    • early adulthood: intimacy v. isolation
    • middle-age: generativity v. stagnation
    • elderly: integrity v. despair
  24. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that requests assistance, shares time, and expresses belief in another person?
    infancy: trust
  25. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that refuses to provide information and is unable to accept assistance?
    infancy: mistrust
  26. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that expresses one's own opinion?
    toddler: autonomy
  27. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that fails to express their needs and is over-concerned about being clean?
    toddler: shame & doubt
  28. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that expresses curiosity and demostrates original thoughts?
    early childhood: initiative
  29. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that imitates others and is fearful of starting new projects.
    early childhood: guilt
  30. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that completes a task, works well with others, and uses their time effecively?
    early school years: industry
  31. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that does not complete tasks, not organized, and does not like to work with others?
    early school years: inferiority
  32. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that independent and plans for the future?
    adolescence: identity
  33. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that fails to set goals for the future.
    adolescence: role confusion
  34. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that establishes a close, intense relationship with another person.
    early adulthood: intimacy
  35. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that avoids close interpersonal relationships.
    early adulthood: isolation
  36. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that guids others and is willing to share with another person?
    middle age: generativity
  37. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that worries about their own needs and ignores the needs of others.
    middle-age: stagnation
  38. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that uses past experiences to assit others and accepts their limitations.
    elderly: integrity
  39. According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is a person that does not accept change very well and demands unnecessary assistance and attention.
    elderly: despair
  40. What is a follow-up/ongoing assessment?
    follow-up on a specific problem such as someone with a chronic problem, pregnant, receiving their test results, after surgery, pediatrics
  41. What did Erikson integrate into the assessment?
    • age and physical development
    • psychosocial development
    • cognitive development
    • behavioral development
    • cultural and environmental considerations
  42. What did Erikson focus on and how many stages did he describe? What is each stage characterized by?
    • focused on societal and cultural influences as determinants of behavior
    • growth of the "ego"
    • described 8 stages of ego development to encompass the lifespan
    • each stage is characterized by a distinct conflict that can result in either negative or positive resolution
  43. Why should we consider a patient's cultural and environmental backgrounds?
    • cultural factors influence the beliefs of patients about thier health status
    • illnesses that are more common among groups of patients
    • patient's environment might include safety in the home, transportation issues, or community involvement
    • exposure history
  44. What are psychosocial and lifestyle factors that we should consider when taking a health history?
    • social, cultural, and spiritual assessment
    • mental health
    • human violence
    • sexual history and orientation
  45. What is a primary v. a seconday data source?
    • primary-patient
    • secondary-charts & family members
  46. What considerations should you give to the setting when collecting a health history?
    • privacy
    • comfort (temperature, avoid interruptions)
  47. ______ provides information that is consistent with existing records and comprehensive in scope
    reliable historian
  48. _____ provides information that differs from past descriptions or changes details each visit.
    inaccurate historian
  49. What are the components of a health history?
    • demographical data
    • reason for seeking care
    • history of present illness (symptom analysis, pain (scale 0-10)
    • past health history (current medications, allergies, family history)
    • functional health assessment (Gordon)
    • growth and development
    • review of systems
  50. What is involved in a symptom analysis?
    • "OLDCARTS"
    • onset, location, duration, character, associated or aggrivating factors, relieving factors, timing, severity
    • "PQRSTU"
    • provocative/palliative, quality, region, severity, timing, understanding patients perception
  51. _____ is a series of questions about all the body systems that helps to reveal concerns/problems as part of a comprehensive health assessment
    review of systems (ROS)
  52. What systems are involved in the review of systems during a health assessment?
    • general health status
    • nutrition & hydration
    • skin, hair, nails
    • head & neck (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat)
    • thorax & lungs
    • heart & neck vessels
    • peripheral vascular
    • breasts
    • abdominal-GI
    • abdominal-urinary
    • musculoskeletal
    • neurological
    • male and femal genitalia
    • anus, rectum, prostate
    • endocrine & hematologic systems
    • teaching opportunity/health promotion
Card Set
Nurs314 Test 1
health assessment of the individual, test 1