
  1. t/f a prescription is a legal document
  2. how are prescriptions regulated?
    state and federal laws
  3. what are 5 errors in prescribing drugs?
    • wrong dose
    • contraindication because of pt existing medical condition
    • poor handwriting
    • incorrect info
    • look alike drug names
  4. what are the 6 guidelines for written prescriptions?
    • legible, accurate, include complete info and in ink
    • Schedule II must be in Ink, indelible pencil or typewritten
    • avoid product endorsement
    • keep pads in secure location
    • place duplicate or record of prescription in pt chart
    • use english instructions
  5. which schedule must be written in ink?
    schedule II (controlled substances)
  6. what must be included in the heading of a prescription?
    • prescribers name, phone number and address
    • date of the prescription
    • patients info- name, age, weight (for children)
  7. what information is contained in the body of a prescription
    specific drug, dose or concentration and amount to be despensed, directions to pt
  8. what info is contained in the closing of the prescription?
    • signature of prescriber
    • DEA Number
    • Instructions to pharmacists
    • refills
  9. t/f a signature is not needed for schedule II drugs
    false-it is needed and if phoned in than it must be followed up by a written and signed order within 72 hours
  10. what must be on the label of a prescription
    • name of drug
    • number of doses dispensed
    • strength of dose form
    • pharmacy name, address, phone number, date of prescription
    • instructions for refills
  11. one who follows the therapeutic regimen recommend by the clinician
    compliant pt
  12. the pt's perception of the ______ of the illness is the major factor influencing _______
    • severity
    • compliance
  13. noncompliance issues can be avoided with proper counseling and explanations such as what? (5)
    • why the drug is needed
    • what can occur if the drug is not taken
    • clear instructions
    • possible side effects
    • when to notify the dentist
  14. with a pt taking antibiotic prophylaxis what are some questions the DH must ask?
    • when taken
    • which drug taken
    • how much taken
    • any side effects
  15. what medication should a anginal pt bring with them to the appointment?
    sublingual nitroglycerin tablets
  16. what medication should a asthmatic pt bring with them their appt?
    rescue inhalers
  17. 1 kg=______g
  18. 1 gram = _____mg
  19. 1 mg= ______g
  20. 1 kg =______lb
  21. 1 gr= _____mg
  22. 1 L= _____mL
  23. 1 mL=______L
  24. 1 tsp= ___mL
  25. 1 tbs=____ mL
  26. 1 mL=____g++ (drops)
  27. 1 fl oz= ____mL
  28. what is the common abbreviation for before?
    a or a
  29. what is the abbreviation for dispense
  30. what is the abbreviation of number
  31. what is the abbreviation for capsule
  32. what is the abreviation for label
  33. what is the abbreviation for by mouth
  34. what is the abbreviation for after meals
  35. what is the abbreviation for at once
  36. what is the abbreviation for at bedtime
  37. what is the abbreviation for as needed
  38. what is the abbreviation for every hour
  39. what is the abbreviation for every day
  40. what is the abbreviation for twice a day
  41. what is the abbreviation for 3 times a day
  42. what is the abbreviation for 4 times a day
  43. what is the abbreviation of discontinue
  44. what are the three rules for child dosage calculations called?
    • youngs rule
    • clakrs rule
    • body surface area rule
  45. what is the young's rule for child dosage calculation
    child's dose (1 to 12 yr)= child's age in years X adult dose/child's age in years+12
  46. what is the clark's rule for child dosage calculations?
    child's dose=weight of child in lb X adult dose/150lbs
  47. what is the body surface area rule for child dosage calculation?
    child's dose=surface area of child in sq meters X adult dose/1.73
  48. which pediatric dose formulas is considered most accurate?
    Surface area rule
  49. if a dentist has more than one office does he have more than on DEA number?
    yes- one number per locaiton
  50. t/f the DEA number must be on all prescriptions for controlled substances
  51. what agency enforces the DEA numbers?
    drug enforcement administration, registration unit
  52. what schedule of drugs has a high potential for abuse and is only used for research and cannot be prescribed?
    schedule I
  53. what is an example of a schedule I drug?
    LSD, marijuana, heroin, opium
  54. what schedule of drug has high abuse potential and must have a written prescription?
    schedule II
  55. what is an example of a schedule II drug
    amphetamines, morphine, oxycodone
  56. what schedule of drugs has moderate abuse potential and may be issued orally or written to pharmacist
    schedule III and IV
  57. what is an example of a schedule III drug?
    vicodin, anabolic steriods
  58. what is an example of a schedule IV drug?
    valium, darvon
  59. what schedule of drug can be sold over the counter and has a low abuse potential
    schedule V
  60. what is an example of a schedule V drug?
    cough and diarrhea prepartions
  61. what are the five rules for prescribing scheduled drugs?
    • must be written in ink or typewritten
    • must bear full name and address of pt
    • must list full name, address, and DEA number of practitioner
    • must be dated
    • must be manually signed by practitioner
  62. when a triplicate prescription is needed what is done with the copies?
    • one kept for dentist records
    • 2 copies to pharmacist who keeps on and sends other to sate regulatory agency
  63. an antibiotic has been prescribed for a pt at risk for bacterial endocarditis. The dental hygienist must ask all the following questions EXCEPT ONE. Which one is the exception?

    A. who prescribed the antibiotic
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ch3 part 1