Kor U16 CH61/62 PT4/1

  1. 총상
    gunshot wound (16 61)
  2. 총성
    sound of gunfire (16 61)
  3. 최신예
    advanced, ultra-modern (16 61)
  4. 추격조
    pursuit team (16 61)
  5. 출고식
    unveiling ceremony (16 61)
  6. 출발점
    starting point; departure point (16 61)
  7. 침범하다
    to violate; intrude (16 61)
  8. 침투하다
    to infiltrate (16 61)
  9. 탈출하다
    to escape (16 61)
  10. 파괴하다
    to destroy (16 61)
  11. 파편
    shrapnel (16 61)
  12. 평곡사포
    gun-howitzer (16 61)
  13. 포수
    gunner (16 61)
  14. 포착되다
    to pick up, become aware of (16 61)
  15. 포탄
    shell; round (16 61)
  16. 폭발음
    sound of an explosion (16 61)
  17. 폭을 좁히다
    to lessen the gap (16 61)
  18. 표적
    target (16 61)
  19. 필사
    doing something in deperation (16 61)
  20. 하룻밤을 지내다
    to spend one night (16 61)
  21. 함정
    war vessel (16 61)
  22. 함포
    gun (of a warship) (16 61)
  23. 합동참무본부
    Joint Chiefs of Staff Headquarters (16 61)
  24. 항공육전
    airborne warfare (16 61)
  25. 해상
    (on the) ocean (16 61)
  26. 해외
    overseas (16 61)
  27. 향하다
    towards, facing (16 61)
  28. 허벅지
    thigh (16 61)
  29. 혹독하다
    severe, harsh (16 61)
  30. 화력
    firepower (16 61)
  31. 확률
    probability, change (16 61)
  32. 후송되다
    to be evacuated (16 61)
  33. 휴대하다
    to carry (16 61)
  34. 휴대용
    portable (16 61)
  35. 흰천
    white cloth (16 61)
  36. 힘껏
    with all one's strength (16 61)
  37. 가량
    approximately, about (16 62)
  38. 각도
    azimuth, bearing, angle (16 62)
  39. 감시
    monitor (16 62)
  40. 감행하다
    to take decisive action (16 62)
  41. 개인소총
    individual weaapon (rifle) (16 62)
  42. 개인화기
    individual weapon (16 62)
  43. 경기관총
    light machine gun (16 62)
  44. 경비
    guard, security (16 62)
  45. 경비정
    patrol boat (16 62)
  46. 고속
    high-speed (16 62)
  47. 고속경비정
    high-speed patrol boat (16 62)
  48. 고속정
    high-speed vessel (16 62)
  49. 고조 시키다
    to elevate (16 62)
  50. 공동
    joint, common (16 62)
  51. 공동경비구역
    Joint Security Area (16 62)
  52. 과정
    process (16 62)
  53. 관계자
    spokesperson, person concerned (16 62)
  54. 관찰하다
    observe, watch (16 62)
  55. 좐측장병
    observation soldiers (16 62)
  56. 교전규칙
    rules of engagement (16 62)
  57. 구성되다
    to be composed of, organized into (16 62)
  58. 구축하다
    to construct, build (16 62)
  59. 국군
    national military (SK term) (16 62)
  60. 국방부
    Ministry of Defense; DoD (16 62)
  61. 군사분계선
    Military Demarcation Line (MDL) (16 62)
  62. 군사적
    military (16 62)
  63. 규모
    scale, size, echelon (16 62)
  64. 기계화 군단
    mechanized corps (16 62)
Card Set
Kor U16 CH61/62 PT4/1