AFPT (automated forms processing technology)
- -A component technology of an EDMS.
- -allows users to electronically enter data into "online forms" and electronically extract the data from the online forms for various data manipulation purposes.
- -form document is stored in a form format -- as the user sees it on the screen.
Bar code symbology
- -The printed code used for recognition by a bar code scanner (reader).
- -Traditional one-dimensional bar codes use the bar's width to encode just a product or account number.
- -Two-dimensional bar codes, such as PDF417, MaxiCode and DataMatrix, are scanned horizontally and vertically and hold considerable more data.
- -PDF417 is widely used for general purposes.
- -MaxiCode is used for high-speed sortation
- -DataMatrix is used for marking small parts.
Batch scanning
-documents are scanned (ie., processed) in batches instead of one document at a time.
Character Recognition or Automatic identification technology.
- -A component technology of an EDMS.
- -quickly accurately enters character or symbol data into computer systems from analog, paper forms, or other analog documents.
- -also bar codes
- -optical characters (eg,. preprinted account numbers on paper bank checks)
- -optical character recognition (OCR)
- -optical marks (eg., filled-in circles by #2 pencils on SAT exam forms)
- -optical mark recognition (OMR) or Mark Sense
- -intelligent characters (eg., hand-printed alphanumeric characters on forms or other paper documents)
- -Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR).
- -speeds the scanning an indexing processes required of document imaging technology.
Context Management
Clinical context object workgroup (CCOW)
- -Publishes standard for the visual integration of cooperative interaction among independently authored healthcare applications at the point of use.
- -"Visual integration" emphasizes the specific scope the workgroup chose to address: applications with graphical user interfaces operating together on a personal computer or workstation.
Deferred mirroring
- A form of content replication process in which an information system defers updating backup volumes within a mirror set, typically to the end of the processing day.
- -It then copies the data, such as image data, from the master volume to all backup volumes.
Destination path
- -Represents the storage endpoint of data or items.
- -the path contains a server, volume, and directory specification that point to a location in the system where the data will be written.
Digital document indexing technology
- -A component technology of an EDMS.
- -denotes categories of information, such as metadata, by which documents are tagged for retrieval purposes and then delineated for a particular application.
- -The indexing process involves analyzing the content of a document, determining the appropriate values for designated indexing fields, and automatically entering the values into the system.
Digital document retrieval technology
- -A component technology of an EDMS.
- -coordinates the search and subsequent printing of the document to screen.
Digital signature management technology
- -A component technology of an EDMS.
- -offers both signer and document authentication.
- -Signer authentication is the ability to identify the person who digitally signed the document.
- -Document authentication ensures that the document and the signature cannot be altered.
- -the process of capturing analog document as a collection of binary digits (pixels) using a scanning device.
- -Digitization is a precondition for electronic storage, such as magnetic storage, storage on optical disk, and character recognition (eg., ICR, OCR).
Direct attached storeage devices (DASD)
- -Disk drives contained within the computer cabinet and connected to the CPU via a peripheral bus.
- vs.
- External storage units (connected to workstations and servers over the network.)
- -NAS devices (network attached storage devices)
- -SAN devices (storage area network devices)
- -Any analog or digital, formatted, and preserved "container" of data or information.
- -This container of data or information is humanly interprested in an audible, readable, or visual manner.
Document Capture
- -The process of accepting information thru acceptable capture devices in an EDMS.
- -eg., scanners, electronic forms, electronic transactions, cameras, voice, and video.
Document content management technology
- -A component technology of an EDMS.
- -this takes into account the internal classification of a document and the metadata associated with it.
- -The technology electronically manages the creation (authorship), distribution (publication), and customization of an entire document, section, or part of a document.
- -eg., in healthcare organizations, the document content that must be created, distributed and customized could be that of multipaged spreadsheet.
Document imaging
- -The online storage, retrieval, and management of electronic images of documents.
- -The main method of capturing images is by scanning paper documents.
Document imaging technology
- -One, and only one, of the many component technologies of an EDMS.
- -this electronically captures, stores, identifies, retrieves, and distributed documents that are:
- (1) not generated digitally and are stored on apper and/or
- (2) are generated digitally but are stored on paper.
Document management technology
- -A component technology of an EDMS.
- -this provides core library services for documents.
Dynamic mirroring
- -A form of content replication process in which an information system writes the content to several storage points in the sytem.
- -A storage point records the content to a computer medium.
- -A retrieval request for the content returns the content from any valid storage point.
- ***Dynamic mirroring represents a master volume and backup volome that are written simultaneously.
Electronic document management system (EDMS)
-Any electronic system that manages documents (not data) to realize significant improvements in business work processes.
Enterprise report management (ERM) technology
*** formerly known as COLD/ERM (Computer output laser disk).
-this technology electronically stores, manages, and distributes documents that are generated in a digital format and whose output data are report-formatted/print-stream originated.
Image combining
- -The process of taking two or more bitmapped images and combining them to make a single bitmapped image.
- -eg., a combined image is a bank check (front & back as one form).
- -adding document images to an existing database application.
- -allows end-users to view document images from the existing database application's "viewer" or user interface.
Index key
- -A character string in an archieve file that is used as a file locator.
- -Index key values are extracted by indexing expressions when files are archived.
- -eg., include account #, SSN, customre names.
Integration server
- -A compurter containing software that enables one application to communicate with another on an ongoing basis.
- -is a message transport service such as MQSeries.
- -higher-service layers provided include data routing and reformatting.
- -also known as "message broker"
Magnetic storage
eg., tape, floppy disk, hard disk
Universal, global, or patient level documents
- -Documents associated with a patient at the medical record number (MRN) level.
- -Global documents can be seen on each encounter for the patient. Is visible for every encounter.
- ---eg., advance directives & insurance card.
Virtual folder
- -A type of folder dynamically assembled at the time of the request.
- -a static folder or a crossection of static folders.
- -eg., folder that represents a particular business type, such as driver's license.
Virtual rescan (VRS)
- -AN electronic checkpoint for scanned images that ensures that only the highest qulity images and data are captured.
- -As images are scanned, VRS software performs a multipoint inspection of each document.
- -VRS instantly & automatically checks and adjusts for correct alignment, brightness, contrast, and image clarity.
Web content management technology
- -A component technology of an EDMS.
- -technology specifically manages documents on Web sites.
- -provides for the storage, maintenance, and retrieval of HTML and XML documents and all related elements.
Work flow technology
- -A component technology of an EDMS.
- -allows computers to add and extract value from document information as documents move throughout an organization.
- -The documents can be assigned, routed, activated, and managed thru system-controlled rules that mirror business operations and decision processes.
What is HL7?
- -An organization that creates interface standards.
- -HL7 Interface, mean putting information in a format so that it can be shared between applications.
- -develops specifications, the most widely used being a messaging standard that enables disparate healthcare applications to exchange key sets of clinical & administrative data.
What is HL7 used for?
- ***Two Primary uses:
- 1. is getting updated and accurate patient demographic information to the MT.
2. is returning information to the hospital in an electronic format.
Why is HL7 interface down?
1. Computer problems (IT staff sometimes have computer problems.)
- 2. Connectivity problems (the actual ability of computers to talk to each other across a network is interrupted or disconnected or fail.)
- ---network problem
- **Why is it so tricky to notice when an interface is down?
- -Simply b/c the data being used right now is not the data currently being collected.
Why are HL7 interfaces so expensive?
- -The ppl that make the interfaces are not minimum wage workers.
- -The IT professionals has a salary demands.
- -b/c institutions will pay for them.
- -the expense in setting up an interface is costly.
- -the labor cost
- -new hardware is often needed
- -additional software licenses are required.
National Alliance for Health Information Technology
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
continuity of care record
--a subset of the patient medical record used to provide a basic set of data from one episode of care to another.
- clinical data repository OR
- clinical data warehouse
--a decision support database where defined subsets of data related to patient care activities are housed in a longitudinal fashion and utilized for business intelligence purposes.
community health information network
--a shared resource for defined local or regional communities and businesses that have agreed to exchange health information (see HIE)
clinical information system
--applications that are primarily used during active patient care to produce clinical documentation.
computerized physician order entry
--a system providing automated physician originated entry of orders during patient care, eliminatin the middle step of transciption orders by the other care-giving stafff members.
computer-based patient record
--the original term used to describe an electronic health record.
electronic document management system
--the foundation repository for the complete episodic-based legal health record.
electronic health record --generic--
--the global term encompassing all electronically generated components of a computer-based patient record --- generally refers to hospital- or facility-based records (as opposed to EMR).
electronic medical record
--the global term encompassing all electronically generated components of a computer-based patient record -- generally refers to physician-, professional-, or clinic-based records (as opposed to EHR).
health information exchange
--an organization whose purpose is to promote specific data exchange in the healthcare environment between a set group of stakeholders.
health information system
--typically refers to a specific vendor application that encompasses multiple applications across clinical administrative, or financial functions.
national health information network
--the coordination of regional health information networks into a national data bank.
legal health record
--the complete and total lpatient medical record, which encompasses all visit notes, transactions, and images related to direct care during a single episode of care, is able to be output for subpoena purposed (see EDMS), and becomes "closed" at a certain point of time after which it is no longer a dynamic document.
personal health record
--an electronic health record created and manintained (controlled) by the consumer/user, and with content that may come from a variety of sources.
regional health information organization
--a defined group of community health networks that have opted to share common health information exchange (see HIE).