KC-135R Closed Book

  1. Pilots shall not exchange seats during flight if only two pilots are aboard the airplane.
  2. Verbal coordination between applicable crewmembers will be required when:
    Any of the above.

    A. Control of the airplane is transferred between pilot and copilot or when an autopilot mode or axis is engaged or disengaged.

    B. Repositioning fuel panel valves and switches or when an electrical source is changed.

    C. A crewmember leaves position or leaves interphone or goes on or off oxygen
  3. Normal hydraulic pressure range is __ to __ psi.
    2400; 3050
  4. Maximum EGT during engine start is __ degrees C.
  5. EGT between__ is limited to 5 minutes duration.
    EGT between __-Retard the throttle to bring EGT within limits. Operation is allowed until the next landing.
    If the EGT exceeds__-shut down the engine using the ENGINE FIRE/FAILURE during flight checklist.
    870-905; 906-930; 930
  6. Normal oil pressure limits are __psi. Oil pressure fluctuations of not more than__psi total are allowable, as long as fluctuations remain within normal limits.
    11-92; 10
  7. Moderate to severe airplane buffeting can occur with simultaneous use of speed brakes and flaps. This buffeting can result in damage or loss of airplane surfaces.
  8. Because of possible damage due to sonic airflow at certain angles of attack, do not extend flaps above__feet pressure altitude.
  9. The takeoff and emergency procedures portion will be reviewed either just prior to__.
    engine start or takeoff
  10. Based on ___, the aircraft commander may elect single pilot preflight operations where one pilot proceeds to the aircraft with the boom operator to perform the exterior safety check and begin the interior preflight checks, while the other pilot accomplishes, additional duties (obtaining weather brief, etc.).
    Operational Need or Mission Requirements
  11. Every effort is made to keep the Flight Manual current. Review conferences with operating personnel and a constant review of accident and flight test reports assure inclusion of the latest data in the manual. However, we cannot correct an error unless we know of its existence. In this regard, it is essential that you do your part. Comments, corrections, and questions regarding this manual or any phase of the Flight Manual program are welcomed. These should be submitted on AF Form 847 through channels established by Major Commands as directed by AFI 11-215 to 827 ACSG/550 ACSS, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma 73145-3019.
  12. All crewmembers will inform the pilot when checking off and/or on interphone and will be on interphone during:

    All ground operations(including engine start) except when accomplishing crew duties that preclude use of the interphone

    Formation flying, rendezvous and air refueling.

    Flight under weather conditions and all takeoffs and landings.
  13. Because of the magnitude of interrelated effects, flying two airplanes in close vertical proximity is ___.
    not safe
  14. Speed brakes are NOT used during approach and landing flare.
  15. All snow and ice accumulations of any significant degree must be removed from the airplane surfaces prior to takeoff.
  16. If the ___ is not down and in the detent, ensure tha the ___ is installed. Notify the aircraft commander and maintenance personnel immediately. No further preflight actions will be accomplished until maintenance personnel correct the situation and confirm that the aircraft is in preflight configuration.
    Landing Gear Lever; nose gear downlock and release handle
  17. The pilot will ensure that no personnel are standing near ___ when pressurizing the left hydraulic system. Sudden closing of these doors could cause serious injury to personnel who may be in the path of the doors.
    wheel well doors
  18. The copilot ANN DIM switch on the Copilot Overhead Light Panel must be out of the DIM (full ccw) position for the ___ to operate. Ensure that the copilot ANN DIM switch is out of the DIM (full ccw) position prior to closing the crew entry/cargo door. Once the crew entry/cargo doors are closed the DIM switch can be adjusted as required.
  19. Possible causes of a ___ are engaging the pilot's interphone (on the yoke or the tiller), pressing the pilot's FD ANN TEST button, a cold hydraulic system, the low-flow capability of the auxiliary hydraulic pump, and/or the use of other hydraulically-actuated systems during the EFAS test; in this case, the EFAS self-test is __ indicating a system failure.
    Failed EFAS test; incorrectly
  20. Speed Brake Warning horn sounds when lever is pulled back more than __ degrees out of full forward position.
    2 degrees
  21. Proper adjustment of the ___ is especially critical for takeoff, approach, and landing where full deflection of control surfaces may be required for safe operation of the airplane. To prevent inadvertent movement of the seat, ensure that the ___ is in the down and latched position.
    Seat and Rudder Pedals; seat horizontal adjustment lever
  22. If an APU with an operable generator is not available, and external power is not sued, the start can be made on battery power only. During this procedure, all engine ___ gages are inoperative until a generator is on the line and 28V AC power is available.
    Oil pressure and fuel flow
  23. Copilot checks for initial fuel flow peak of ___ pph (before ignition) and approximately ___ pph after ignition. If fuel flow exceeds ___ pph before lightoff, a hot start can occur.
    300-680; 900;680
  24. For temperatures ___, failure to set the engine start switch to IGNITION may result in engine flameout when the throttles are retarded during taxi operations.
    at 0 degrees C and below 0 degrees C

    (B and C)
  25. Items 17 thru 26 of the Starting engines and Before Taxi checklist may be accomplished while waiting for the ground crew report.
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KC-135R Closed Book
KC-135R Closed Book