Term: Source
originator of an idea or emotion
Term: Receiver
Person or group toward whom a source directs messages and who decodes the message.
Term: Message
Written, spoken, and unspoken elements of communication to which we assign meaning.
Term: Channel
Pathway though which messages pass between source and receiver.
Term: Noise
Any literal or psychological interference with the clear encoding to decoding of a message
Term: Encoding
Translation of ideas, and thoughts into a code
Term: Decoding
Interpretation of ideas, feelings, and thoughts that have been translated into a code.
Physical, historical,and psychological communication environment
Term: Feedback
Verbal and nonverbal responses to a message.
Human communication as action
Human communication is linear, with meaning sent or transferred from source to receiver.
Human communication as Interaction
Human communication occurs as the receiver of the message responds to the source thought feedback. This interactive model views communication as a linear sequence of actions and reactions.
Human communication as transaction
Human communication is simultaneously interactive. Meaning is created based on mutual, concurrent sharing of ideas and feelings. This transitive model most accurately describes human communication.
Term: mediated communication
When we use media such as a cell phone or the internet to carry out message, we are using mediated communication
Asynchronous cmmunication
Communication in which timing is out of sync; there is a time delay between when you send a message and when it is received.
Synchronous communication
Communication in which messages occur in real time when you speak or write, someone immediately responds to your message.
Principle One
Be aware of your communication with yourself and others.
Principle Two
Effectively use and interpret verbal messages.
Principle Three
Effectively use and interpret nonverbal messages.
Principle Four
Listen and respond thoughtfully to others.
Principle Five
Appropriately adapt messages to others.
A collection of people ho have a common goal, feel a sense of belonging to the group, and influence each other.
Small group communication
The transitive process of creating meaning among three to about fifteen people who share a common purpose, feel a sense of belonging to the group, and exert influence on on another.
Two interacting people.
A coordinated group of people intentionally organized to work together to achieve a common goal.
Presentation communication
Communication that occurs when a speaker addresses a gathering of people in order to inform, persuade, or entertain them.
The process of using symbols to influence or persuade others.
Mass communication
Communication accomplished through a mediated message that is sent to many people at the same time.
Organizational communication
The study of human communication as it occurs within organizations.
Health communication
The study of communication that has an impact on human health.
Being focused on the needs and concerns of others while maintaining one's personal integrity.
The system of symbols(words or vocabulary) structured by rules (grammar) that makes it possible for people to understand one another.
Nonverbal communication
Communication by means other than written or spoken language that creates meaning for someone.
Interpersonal communication
Communication that occurs within yourself, including your thoughts and emotions.
The new information, ideas, or suggested actions that a communicator wishes to express; what is said.
Relationship dimension
The aspect of a communication message that offers cues about the emotions, attitudes, and amount of power and control the speaker directs toward others; how something is said.
A followable prescription that indicates what behavior is required or preferred and what behavior is prohibited in a specific situation.