Function: Clamps bleeding vessels or tissues
Kelly Hemostat
Function: Secures hemostasis in deep anatomy
Crile Hemostat
Function: Secure hemostasis of delicate tissue.
Halstead Mosquito Hemostat.
Function: Ophthalmic surgery.
*Smallest in Size*
Hartman Mosquito Hemostat
Function: Clamp intestines, bowel, large vessels. Less traumatic.
Rochester Carmalt Hemostat
Function: Clamps large vessels. Traumatic.
*Deep Serrations*
Rochester Pean Hemostat
Function: Clamps delicate organs. Atraumatic
Babcock Intestinal Forceps
Function: Holding body wall or to hold sponges
Allis Tissue Forceps
Function: Hold sponges, completing surgical scrub, and sterile dressing.
Sponge Forceps
Function: Retrieve things from hard to reach places.
Function: Retrieving objects from hard to reach places.
Alligator Forceps
Function: Grasps superficial tissue.
Adson Thumb Forceps
Function: Grasps superficial tissue, and delicate tissue.
Adson-Brown Thumb Forceps
Function: Dissecting tissue, aid in suturing.
*Rat Teeth*
Cushing Thumb Forceps
Function: Grasps soft bony tissue.
Standard Thumb Forcep
Function: Grasping delicate tissue, aids in suturing. Atraumatic.
DeBakey Thumb Forceps
Function: Fine tissue dissection.
Metzenbaum Scissors
Function: Patient drape, and dissect tissue.
Mayo Dissecting Scissors
Function: Cut suture and patient drape.
*Variety of Tip Combos*
Standard Operating Scissors
Function: Ophthalmic surgery
Iris Scissors
Function: Cut cerclage wire, wire sutures. Very traumatic.
*Notch in rear of jaw*
Wire Cutting Scissors
Function: Removing sutures post-op
Suture Removal Scissors
Function: Cutting bandage material
Lister Bandage Scissors
Function: Not able to cut.
Mayo-Hegar Needle Holders
Function: Holds needles, able to cut.
Olsen-Hegar Needlee Holders
Function: Delicate ophthalmic surgery.
Mathieu Needle Holders
Function: Retracts fascia from muscle tissue. Points opposite directions.
Senn Retractors
Function: Retracts fascia from muscle tissue.
*Points same direction*
Mathieu Retractor
Function: Retracts large amount of history. Atraumatic.
Hole in the middle.
Army-Navy Retractor
Function: Retracts fascia and muscle tissue.
*Flat in middle*
Parker Retractor
Function: Retracts strong muscles. (Large Breed Dogs)
*Can Change Shape*
Malleable Retractor
Function: Retracts large amount of tissue or fascia.
*Small hook little hook*
Deaver Retractor
Function: Retracts superficial tissue.
Function: Retracts deeper muscle and fascia. Traumatic.
Hohman Retractor
Function: Retracts spinal muscle.
Weitlaner Retractor
Function: Orthopedic surgery. Traumatic.
*Sharp Tips*
Gelpi Retractor
Function: Attach and secure drape material.
*Sharp Tips*
Backhaus Towel Clamp
Function: Attach and secure drapes.
*Spheres on jaws*
Backhaus-Roeder Towel Clamp
Function: Attach suction and cautery to patient drape.
Edna Towel Clamp
Function: Attach and secure drape.
Jones Clamp
Scalpel Handels
#3- Small Animal Surgery
#4- Large Animal Surgery
#7-Small Animal Surgery
Function: Reducing a fracture.
Kern Bone Holding Forceps
Function: Realign bones, prevents crushing of bone.
Low Man Bone Clamp
Function: Holds bone together during fixation.
Dingman Forceps
Function: Bites into bone and removes pieces.
*Spring Loaded*
Function: List periosteum off bone.
Perisotial Elevator
Function: Collects bone marrow samples, scoups out pieces of bone.
Brun Bone Currette
Function: Cutting Bone
Liston Bone Cutting Foreceps
Function: Used with mallet to chisel/cut bone
Function: Used with osteotome to chisel/cut bone.
Orthopedic Mallet
Function: Smooth rough edges of bone surfaces.
Bone Rasp
Function: Hand saw and cut chiseled bone.
Gigli Wire and Handels
Function: Obtain bone biopsy. Has stylet

Michele Trephine
Function: Internal fixation during reductions.
Steinman Intramedullary Pins
Function: With wire internal fixation device.
Cerclage Wire Twister
Function: Allows fluid to be suctioned out.
-Plastic or Metal
Yankhauer Suction Tip
Function: Allows large amounts of fluid and material to be suctioned out.
-Multiple Holes
Pool Suction Tip
Function: Allows smaller amounts of fluid and particles to be suctioned out. Used in the brain and spinal surgeries.
Fraizer Suction Tip (May have Stylet)
Function: Skin Closure
-2 Finger Rings
Sliding Stapler
Function: Skin Closure
Skin Stapler
Function: Flushing Cavities
Bulb Syringe
Function: Hemostasis and or cutting
Cautery Pencil +/- Tip
Function: Ligation of vessels
Liga Clip Applicator and Clips
Function: Reduce blood flow.
Function: Attach patient drape to quarter drapes.
Michel Clip Applicator and Remover
Function: Retrieve uterine horns.
-Thin, more delicate.
Covalt Spay Hook
Function: Retrieve uterine horns.
Snook Spay Hook