1. Phrenic Nerve
    Descends along the side of the neck and into thorax.
  2. Axillary Nerve
    Exits from the back of axilla and travels anteriorly, deep to deltoid.
  3. Radial Nerve
    Exits from the back of axilla and travels down the posterior arm and forearm and into the dorsum of the hand.
  4. Musculocutaneous Nerve
    Exits from front of axilla and travels down arm, ends in proximal forearm.
  5. Median Nerve
    Exits from front of axilla and travels down arm and forearm, passes through middle of wrist into the thumb side of the hand.
  6. Ulnar Nerve
    Exits from front of axilla and travels down the anterior medial arm and forearm, passes into the pinky side of hand.
  7. Femoral Nerve
    Begins in pelvis and travels into anterior thigh.
  8. Obturator Nerve
    Exits pelvis through obturator foramen and travels down the medial thigh.
  9. Sciatic Nerve
    Exits pelvis through the greater sciatic notch and decends through posterior thigh.
  10. Tibial Nerve
    Travels down posterior thigh, through popliteal fossa, posterior leg, posterior to medial malleoulus and into plantar surface of foot.
  11. Common Peroneal Nerve
    Descends through posterior thigh into lateral aspect of knee.
  12. Superficial Peronial Nerve
    Starts at lateral knee, descends through lateral leg and terminates on the dorsal surface of foot.
  13. Deep Peronial Nerve
    Starts at anterior lateral knee, descends through anterior leg and terminates on the dorsal surface of foot.
Card Set
Locating the Peripheral nerves