New CHinese

  1. 社會:大社會需要有大責任
    • Shèhuì: Dà shèhuì xūyào yǒu dà zérèn
    • Society : big society needs big responsibility. 1
  2. 環境:環境是我們居住的地方
    • Huánjìng: Huánjìng shì wǒmen jūzhù dì dìfāng
    • Environment : environment is the area where we are living. 2
  3. 運行速度:你能計算出豹跑的速度嗎?
    • Yùnxíng sùdù: Nǐ néng jìsuàn chū bào pǎo de sùdù ma?
    • Running speed : can you calculate ceetas running speed? 3
  4. 本能:如果你不能信任自己的邏輯,你需要信任自己的能力
    • Běnnéng: Rúguǒ nǐ bùnéng xìnrèn zìjǐ de luójí, nǐ xūyào xìnrèn zìjǐ de nénglì
    • İnstinct : if you cant trust your logic , you need to trust your instinct. 4
  5. 樣式:日本上衣的樣式是如此的受歡迎
    • Yàngshì: Rìběn shàngyī de yàngshì shì rúcǐ de shòu huānyíng
    • Style : japanese style jackets are so popular 5
  6. 行為:我不喜歡一些人們的行為。他們是不禮貌的
    • Xíngwéi: Wǒ bù xǐhuan yīxiē rénmen de xíngwéi. Tāmen shì bù lǐmào de
    • Behaviour : İ dont like some peoples behaviour. They are impolite. 6
  7. 壓力:如果你感覺很多壓力,你可以嚐試瑜珈
    • Yālì: Rúguǒ nǐ gǎnjué hěnduō yālì, nǐ kěyǐ chángshì yújiā
    • Pressure : if you feel too much pressure, you may try yoga. 7
  8. 推動:如果你想到一些事情不要嚐試推動(逼)我
    • Tuīdòng: Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎngdào yīxiē shìqíng bùyào chángshì tuīdòng (bī) wǒ
    • Push : if you want smt dont try to push me 8
  9. 採取吸引力:那個女人吸引了男孩
    • Cǎiqǔ xīyǐn lì: Nàgè nǚrén xīyǐn le nánhái
    • Take attraction : that woman takes boys attraction. 9
  10. 採取吸引力:老鼠吸引了貓
    • Cǎiqǔ xīyǐn lì: Lǎoshǔ xīyǐn le māo
    • Take attraction : mouses take cats attraction. 10
  11. 財務狀況:你要去旅行前須要檢查一下你的財務狀況
    • Cáiwù zhuàngkuàng: Nǐ yào qù lǚxíng qián xūyào jiǎnchá yīxià nǐ de cáiwù zhuàngkuàng
    • Financal status : You need to check your financial status before going to trip. 11
  12. 鄉村:村人喜歡去分享他們的食物
    • Xiāngcūn: Cūnrén xǐhuan qù fēnxiǎng tāmen de shíwù
    • Village : Village people like to share their food. 12
  13. 速度:這輛車的速度太慢
    • Sùdù: Zhè liàng chē de sùdù tài màn
    • Speed : speed of this car is too slow. 13
  14. 計算:你可以計算總價嗎?
    • Jìsuàn: Nǐ kěyǐ jìsuàn zǒng jià ma?
    • Calculate : could you calculate the total price? 14
  15. 補獲:貓喜歡去抓老鼠
    • Bǔ huò: Māo xǐhuan qù zhuā lǎoshǔ
    • Catch : cats likes to catch mouses. 15
  16. 利益:法國語言對我沒有利益
    • Lìyì: Fàguó yǔ yán duì wǒ méiyǒu lìyì
    • İnterest : i dont interest to french language. 16
  17. 狩獵:很多病人想要去狩獵一隻鹿
    • Shòuliè: Hěnduō bìngrén xiǎng yào qù shòuliè yī zhī lù
    • Hunt : hunting a deer may require too much patient. 17
  18. 病人:你和病人在這等待著
    • Bìngrén: Nǐ hé bìngrén zài zhè děngdài zhuó
    • Patient : be patient while you are waiting at the queue. 18
  19. 輪:每台車都有四輪只有自行車是兩輪
    • Lún: Měi táichē dōu yǒu sì lún zhǐyǒu zìxíngchē shì liǎng lún
    • Wheel : every car has four wheel but bikes 2. 19
  20. 步驟:小心你的腳步走在黑暗處
    • Bùzhòu: Xiǎoxīn nǐ de jiǎobù zǒu zài hēiàn chù
    • Step : be careful to your steps while walking in the dark. 20
  21. 彩虹:彩虹有七種顏色
    • Cǎihóng: Cǎihóng yǒu qī zhǒng yánsè
    • Rainbow : rainbow has 7 color. 21
  22. 秒:一分鐘有六十秒
    • Miǎo: Yī fēnzhōng yǒu liù shí miǎo
    • Second : a minute has 60 second. 22
  23. 缺乏:在這個房間裡的空氣很缺乏,請打開窗戶
    • Quēfá: Zài zhège fángjiān li de kōngqì hěn quēfá, qǐng dǎkāi chuānghù.
    • lack of : there is lack of air in this room, please open the windows. 23
  24. 按下按鈕:在緊急時請按下按鈕
    • Àn xià ànniǔ: Zài jǐnjí shí qǐng àn xià ànniǔ
    • Press the button : in emergency please press the button. 24
  25. 請求:她要求了一張日本的明信片
    • Qǐngqiú: Tā yāoqiú le yī zhāng rìběn de míngxìnpiàn
    • Request : she requested a postcard to japan. 25
  26. 百分比: 超過百分之50的人會說英語
    • Bǎifēnbǐ: Chāoguò bǎi fēn zhī 50 de rén huì shuō yīngyǔ
    • Hundered percent : more than %50 of people can speak english. 26
Card Set
New CHinese
New chinese cards