Module 1- COM 2129

  1. Who wrote Rhetoric and when?
    • Aristotle
    • 2,300 years ago
  2. What are the Appeals/Modes of Persuasion?
    • Ethos
    • Logos
    • Pathos
  3. What do Ethos, Pathos, and Logos each entail?
    • Ethos: Ethics, credibility "Good man speaking well"
    • Logos: Logic
    • Pathos: Emotional appeal
  4. Who created the Five Canons of Rhetoric?
    Cicero & Aristotle
  5. What are the Five Canons of Rhetoric?
    • Invention
    • Arrangement
    • Style
    • Memory
    • Delivery
  6. Who is Quintilian and what did he do?
    • Admirer of Cicero
    • Studied rhetoric in Rome
    • Taught in Rome in first century
    • Opened a public school of rhetoric
    • Wrote Institutio Oratoria
  7. What is the "Institutio Oratoria"?
    • Written by Quintilian
    • 12-vol. text book on foundational education and development of the orator
  8. What are the benefits of studying public speaking?
    • Personal (confidence)
    • Professional (jobs)
    • Public (engaged citizen)
  9. What is the definition of Communication?
    Communication is the process of sharing meaning by sending and receiving symbolic cues
  10. What are symbolic cues?
    • Nonverbal symbols we use to communicate
    • Dont have meaning until we put meaning to it in our heads
    • Meanings lie in people, not the sign
  11. What was the early attempt of communication model?
    Linear Communication Model
  12. What is the Linear Communication Model?
    • Shannon and Weaver - 1949
    • One-way process
    • Noise : Internal and External
  13. Explain how the Linear Communication Model work?
    Speaker----(noises)--Message--(noises)--> Listener

    all this runs through the channel
  14. What are the 5 levels of communication?
    • Intrapersonal (Basic- talking to yourself)
    • Interpersonal (2 people)
    • Small Group (3-?)
    • Public (Person face to face with audience)
    • Mass (Channel used to communicate)
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Module 1- COM 2129
Chapters 1-3