S.S. 7 SP Ch. 13-14 Review

  1. What part of the United States was the most indutrialezed?
    the North
  2. Who led the most infamouse slave revolt?
    Nat Turner
  3. Who invented the telegraph?
    Samuel F.B. Morse
  4. Who invented the sowing machine?
    Alias Howe
  5. Who invented the Cotton Gin?
    Eli Whitney
  6. Who invented the mechanical reaper?
    Cyrus McCormick
  7. What did free slaves in the North face?
  8. What caused over 1 million people to leave Ireland?
    the famine
  9. What was the Know-Nothing Party made of?
  10. Which invention allowed merchants to find out about businesses quickly?
    the telegraph
  11. What were the 4 and more million people who arrived in the mid-1800s called?
  12. What was the majority of southern whites made of?
    small famers
  13. Which part of the social pyramid in the South dominated the southern way of life and southern politics?
  14. What was a result of so many improvements in farming?
    thousands of people left for the city
  15. What were the fastest trade ships called?
    Clipper Ships
  16. What development allowed manufacturers to build factories anywhere?
    steam power
  17. What were the four main products of the South?
    cotton, rice, tobacco, and sugar cane
  18. Why did cotton planters need so much land?
    cotton wore out the nutrients in the soil
  19. Which two countries provided the most immigrants?
    Germany and Ireland
  20. Which group called for shorter workdays and safer conditions?
    the Trade Unions
  21. Which laws forbade African American gatherings and them learning to read and write?
    the Slave Codes
  22. Who wasn't allowed to vote or travel?
    the freed slaves in the South
  23. Who said that slavery went against the Decleration of Independence and religion?
    Quakers and Reformers
  24. Who was the crusader for the better treatment of the mentally ill?
    Dorothea Dix
  25. Who was known for improving education?
    Horace Mann
  26. Who campaigned for women's rights and abolition?
    Sojourner Truth
  27. Who was the best known black abolitionist?
    Frederick Douglass
  28. Who was a Quaker minister and a women's right fighter?
    Lucretia Mott
  29. Which campaign was against alcohol?
    the Temperance Movement
  30. Who wanted to end slavery?
  31. Who started the Second Great Awakening?
    Charles Grandeson Finey
  32. What was the antislavery newspaper by Garrison called?
    the Liberator
  33. Improving _____ _________ is vital because it makes better citizens.
    public education
  34. Most northern states had what?
    a public elementary school in every town
  35. Which college was the first women college?
    Mount Oleo
  36. What rights did the women at the Seneca Falls Convention declare?
    voting, church, school
  37. Who was Elizabeth Cady Stanton?
    a women who led abolitionist and womens rights
  38. What did the American Colonization Society set up for freed slaves?
    the colony of Liberia
  39. Why did northern workers fear slaves?
    they thought slaves would take their jobs
  40. Who was Henry David Thoreau?
    a man who reflected on simple living in a natural environment in his book Walden
  41. Who was Washington Irving?
    the person who wrote the The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle
  42. What was the Hudson River School?
    the first American group to paint landscapes (painted the Hudson River)
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S.S. 7 SP Ch. 13-14 Review
The New York Social Studies 7th grade SP Chapter 13-14 test review (mid-1800s)