Nick Mitz

  1. Anterior
    • - in front of
    • - toward the surface of
  2. Caudal
    At the rear or tail end
  3. Cranial
    at the head end
  4. Deep
    • on the inside
    • underneath another structure
  5. Distal
    • Farthest from the attachment
    • Point of a limb to the trunk
  6. Dorsal
    the back side of the human body
  7. Inferior
    • Toward the feet
    • below
  8. Lateral
    away from the middle of the body
  9. Medial
    Toward the midline of the body
  10. Posterior
    • in back of
    • toward the back surface
  11. Proximal
    Closest to the attachment point of a limb to the trunk
  12. Superficial
    On the outside of the surface of the body
  13. Superior
    • toward the head
    • above
  14. Ventral
    The belly side of the human body
  15. Anatomic Position
    • Body is standing up, facing forward with palms open
    • No two bones cross each other
  16. Coronal (frontal) Plane
    • Plane that seperates the body into anterior and posterior portions
    • Splits body from front and back
  17. Transverse (Horizontal) Plane
    • Plane that seperates the body into superior and inferior portions
    • Splits body at waist, splitting top half from bottom half
  18. Saggital Plane
    • Seperates the body into left and right portions
    • May or may not be equal on each side.
  19. Midsaggital Plane
    Splits the body into left and right portions equally
  20. Abdominal
    Region Inferior to the thorax (chest) and superior to the hip bones
  21. Antebrachial
    • Forearm
    • Between elbow and wrist
  22. Antecubital
    Region Anterior to the elbow
  23. Anticular
  24. Axillary
  25. Brachial
    • Arm
    • Between shoulder and elbow
  26. Buccal
  27. Calcaneal
    Heel of the foot
  28. Carpal
  29. Cephalic
  30. Cervical
  31. Coxal
  32. Cranial
  33. Crural
    • Leg
    • Between Knee and Ankle
  34. Deltoid
  35. Digital (phalangeal)
    Fingers or Toes
  36. Dorsal
  37. Femoral
  38. Fibular
    Lateral Aspect of the leg
  39. Frontal
  40. Gluteal
  41. Hallux
    Great Toe
  42. Inguinal
    • Groin
    • Sometimes used to describe crease in thigh near trunk
  43. Lumbar
    • Relating to the loins
    • Part of back and sides between ribs and pelvis
  44. Mammary
  45. Manus
  46. Mental
  47. Nasal
  48. Occipital
    • Posterior aspect of the head
    • Back of the head
  49. Olecranal
    Posterior of the elbow
  50. Oral
  51. Orbital
  52. Palmar
    Palm of the hand
  53. Patellar
  54. Pelvic
  55. Perineal
    Diamond chaped region between the thight that contain the anus and selected external reproductive organs
  56. Pes
  57. Plantar
    Sole of the foot
  58. Pollex
  59. Popliteal
    Area posterior to the knee
  60. Pubic
    Anterior region to the pelvis
  61. Radial
    Lateral aspect of the forearm
  62. Sacral
    Posterior region between the hip bones
  63. Scapular
    Shoulder blade
  64. Sternal
    Anterior middle region of the thorax
  65. Sural
    • Calf
    • Posterior part of the leg
  66. Tarsal
    Root of the foot
  67. Thoracic
    Chest or thorax
  68. Tibial
    Medial aspect of the leg
  69. Ulnar
    Medial aspect of the forearm
  70. Umbilical
  71. Vertebral
    Spinal Column
  72. Posterior Aspect contains what two cavities?
    • Cranial Cavity
    • Vertebral Cavity
  73. What is the Cranial cavity?
    • Formed by the cranium
    • Houses the brain
  74. Vertebral Canal
    formed by the individual bones of the vertebral column and contains the spinal cord
  75. What cavity does the cranial cavity and the vertebral canal lie in?
    Posterior Aspect
  76. What cavities are in the Ventral cavities?
    • Thoracic cavity
    • Abdominopelvic cavity
  77. What cavities are in the abdominopelvic cavity?
    • Abdominal cavity
    • pelvic cavity
  78. What is in the thoracic cavity?
    • the median space in the thoracic cavity is the Mediastinum
    • Contains the heart, thymus, esophogus, trachea, and major blood vessels
    • Right and left sides contain the lungs
  79. What is in the mediastinum?
    The heart
  80. The layer of the heart is known as what?
    Enclosed by a two-layered serous membrane called pericardium.
  81. What are the two layers of the pericardium?
    • Parietal pericardium = the outermost layer and forms the sac around the heart
    • Visceral pericardium = forms the heart's external surface
  82. What is the pericardial cavity?
    the potential space between the parietal and visceral pericardia; it contains serous fluid
  83. What is the layer that surrounds the lungs of the thoracic cavity?
    Lined by the pleura
  84. What are the two types of pleura layer?
    • Parietal pleura = outer layer of this serous membrane
    • visceral pleura = inner layer of this serous membrane
  85. What is in the abdominal cavity?
    • contains most of the organs of the digestive system, kidneys, ureters of the urinary system.
    • Contains the stomach, spleen, liver, pancreas, small intestine, most of large intestine, kidneys, ureters.
  86. What is in the pelvic cavity?
    • Region located between the hip bones and interior to a horizontal plane between the superior ridges of the hip bones.
    • Associated with the pelvic viscera, including urinary bladder and urethra, internal reproductive organs, some of the large intestines.
  87. What are the regions? (starting from top row) (1,2,3...)

    Image Upload 2
    • 1. Right Hypochondriac Region
    • 2. Epigastric Region
    • 3. Left Hypochondriac Region
    • 4. Right Lumbar Region
    • 5. Umbilical Region
    • 6. Left Lumbar
    • 7. Right Iliac Region
    • 8. Hypogastric Region
    • 9. Left Iliac Region
  88. What is in the epigastric region?
    • Superior region in the middle column.
    • Contains part of the liver, part of the stomach, the duodenum, part of the pancreas, and both adrenal glands.
  89. What is in the umbilical region?
    • Middle region in the middle column
    • Contains transverse colon (middle part) , part of the small intestine, and the branches of the blood vessels to the lower limbs.
  90. What is in the hypogastric region?
    • inferior region in the middle column
    • typically contains part of the small intestine, the urinary bladder, and the sigmoid colon of the large intestine
  91. What is in the right and left hypochondriac regions
    • Right contains part of the liver, the gallbladder, and part of the right kidney
    • Left contains part of the stomach, the spleen, the left colic flexure of the large intestine, and part of the left kidney
  92. What is in the right and left lumbar regions?
    • the middle regions lateral to the umbilical region.
    • Right contains the ascending colon and the right colic flexure of the large intestine, the superior part of the cecum, part of the right kidney, and part of the small intestine.
    • Leftcontains the descending colon, part of left kidney, and part of small intestine.
  93. What is in the left and right iliac regions?
    • inferior regions lateral to the hypogastric region
    • Right contains the inferior end of the cecum, the appendix, and part of the small intestine.
    • Left contains the junction of parts of the colon as well as part of the small intestine.
  94. Anatomy
    Study of structure
  95. Physiology
    Study of the function of body structures
  96. Microscopic Anatomy
    examines structures that cannot be observed by the unpaid eye.
  97. Cytology
    the study of single body cells and their internal structures
  98. Histology
    study of tissues
  99. Gross Anatomy (macroscopic anatomy)
    investigates the structure and relationships of large body parts that are visible to the unaided eye, such as the intestines, stomach, brain, heart, and kidneys.
  100. Comparative Anatomy
    Examines the similarities and differences in the anatomy of species
  101. Developmental Anatomy
    Investigates the change in structure within an individual from conception through maturity
  102. Embyology
    is concerned specifically with developmental changes occurring prior to birth
  103. Regional Anatomy
    • examines all the structures in a particular region of the body as one complete unit
    • example = the skin, connective tissue and fat, bones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels of the neck
  104. Surface Anatomy
    examines both superficial anatomic marking and internal body structures as they relate to the skin covering them.
  105. Systemic Anatomy
    studies the gross anatomy of each system in the body
  106. Pathologic Anatomy
    examines all anatomic changes resulting from disease
  107. Radiographic Anatomy
    Studies the relationships among internal structures that may be visualized by specific scanning procedures, such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or xray
  108. Surgical Anatomy
    investigates the anatomic landmarks used before and after surgery.
  109. What are the Levels of Structural Organizations of the body? (simplest to most complex)
    • 1. Chemical level
    • 2. Cellular level
    • 3. Tissue Level
    • 4. Organ Level
    • 5. Organ System Level
    • 6. Organismal
  110. What is the Chemical Level of structural organization?
    • composed of atoms and molecules
    • Atoms are small units of matter, in which two or more atoms make a molecule
    • molecule is a protein, a water molecule, or a vitamin, which join into make cells.
  111. What is the Cellular Level of structural organization?
    Specialized structural and functional units called organelles permit all living cells to share certain common functions.
  112. What is the Tissue Level of structural organization?
    tissues are precise organizations of similar cells that perform specialized functions.
  113. What is the Organ Level of structural organization?
    • Different tissue types combine to form an organ, such as the small intestine, brain, lungs, stomach, or heart.
    • Organs contain two or more tissue types that work together to perform specific, complex functions.
  114. What is the Organ System Level of structural organization?
    consists of related organs that work together to coordinate activities and achieve a common function
  115. What is the Organismal Level of structural organization?
    all body systems function interdependently in a single living human being
  116. What are the Characteristics of Living Things?
    • 1. Organization
    • 2. Metabolism
    • 3. Growth and Development
    • 4. Responsiveness
    • 5. Adaptation
    • 6. Regulation
    • 7. Reproduction
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Nick Mitz
Quiz for anatomy chapter 1