2011 Nonopioids NEMCC

  1. Important tasks associated with caring for the client with pain includes
    early and ongoing assessment and intervention to promote healing
  2. to treat pain effectively
    the nurse needs agood understanding of the client’s pain experience
  3. It is essential for the nurse to conduct a _____ in order to understand a client’s pain.
    thorough pain assessment
  4. The 5th vital is pain. What things are important to assess in the client with pain?
    the client’s subjective description of the pain, location, intensity, duration, scale of pain (1-10), percipitating/alleviating factors, pattern of coping, previous experience, nurse’s observation of client’s behavior.
  5. intensity of pain is referred to as ____ data
  6. The Wong Baker is a tool used in assessing ___ in children. It relies on ____ instead of numbers.
pictures of faces
  7. Salicylates are drugs derived form
    salicylic acid
  8. uses of salicylates
    analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory
  9. asprin is a
  10. Bayer
  11. salicylate
    Ecotrin, Ecotrin enteric coated
  12. diflunisal, Dolobid
  13. salicylate
    magnesium salicylate, Bufferin
  14. salicylate
    Amigesic, Disalcid
  15. salicylate
  16. nausea, vomiting, epigastric distress, GI bleeding, tinnitus, allergic and anaphylactic reactions, overuse are common adverse reactions to
    asprin, diflunsal, magnesium salicylate, salsalate
  17. Lower body temperature by dialating peripheral BV
  18. The analgesic action of salicylates is due to the inhibition of
  19. prostaglandins
    present in fatty tissues and body fluids and increase the sensitivity of pain receptors in the tissues
  20. more potently inhibits prostaglaindin synthesis and has greater anti-inflammatory effects than other salicylates
  21. Clients taking asprin are at risk for increased _____. Other salicylates do not have this effect. This effect can last for the ____ days.
    bleeding times,
7-10 day (the life of a platelet)
  22. This herbal treatment is used as an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.
    willow bark
  23. Upon assessment of the client with peptic ulcers, you find that they have been using Willow bark. What should the nurse tell the client regarding this use in conjunction with peptic ulcers?
    Willow bark has fewer adverse reactions than those associated with salicylates. Although adverse reactions are rare, willow bark should be used ith caution and not in conjunction with other salicylates.
  24. This salicylate is a nonopiod analgesic which is NOT used as an antipyretic
    diflunisal (Dolobid)
  25. Asprin (acetylsalicylic acid) is useful in
    decreasing myocardial infarction, transient ischemic attacks or strokes
  26. When taking salicylates, it is important to note a loss ___
    blood in stool.
With normal use, the amount of blood loss may be insignificant. With overuse or even normal use over and extened time, blood loss in the stool may be noted.
  27. A client presents with hives, rash, angioedema, bronchospasms with asthma-like symtoms and anaphylactiod reactions. What may the client be experiencing?
    an allergy
  28. If an allergy to NSAIDs is noted, what other nonopiod alalgesic should be avoided?
    salicylates: Asprin, diflunisal, magnesium salicylate
  29. Contraindications for salicylates
    Clients with GI bleeding, blood dyscrasis, those on anticoagulants or antineoplastics, children with chicken pox or influenza
  30. A child is suffering from an itchy rash, vomiting and lethargy in which is progressing into a coma. The child is running a fever and has been given an Asprin to treat it. What might be happening to the child?
    The rash and fever may be associated with chickenpox. The vomiting and lethargy are associated with Reye’s Syndrome. Asprin is contraindicated in children due to the possibility of developing Reye’s Syndrome.
  31. salicylates should be used cautiously (but NOT contraindicated) in clients with
    renal or hepatic disease, lacation, pregnancy, hypothrombinemia, peptic ulcers, GI irratations and vitamin K deficiency
  32. Those with gout or mild diabetes should use ___ with caution.
  33. Salicylism
    condition related to the overuse of salicylates. Symptoms include dizziness, tinnitus, impaired hearing, nausea, vomiting, flushing, sweating, rapid and deep breathing, tachycardia, diarerhea, confusion
  34. Clients should be warned that these foods contain salicylates
    curry powder, paprika, licorice, prunes, raisins and tea
  35. Antacids may ____ the effects of salicylates
  36. Carbonic inhibitors (used to reduce intraocular pressure and used as a diuretic) may _____ when used with salicylates
    increase the risk for salicylism
  37. acetaminophen (APAP)
    Tempra, Tylenol
  38. Nonsalicylate
    APAP, Tempra, Tylenol
  39. The drug of choice to treat children with fever and flu like symptoms
    APAP (acetaminophen)
  40. The most widely used asprin substitute for those allergic to asprin or those who experience extreme GI upset when taking asprin
  41. Acetaminophen does not inhibit ______.
    • platelet aggregation
    • APAP is the analgesic of choice when bleeding tendencies are an issue.
  42. uses for Acetaminophen
    treatment of mild-moderate pain,
antipyretic,pain and discomfort related to arthritic disorders
  43. This drug is useful in the treatment of those with asprin alergies, peptic ulcers, bleeding disorders, hemophilia, those on antocoagulation therapy or those in which have had recent monor surgical procedures
  44. Adverse reactions with acetaminophen are rare when used as directed. But when doseage is exceeded, they would include
    skin eruptions, urticaria, hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia, hypoglycemia, jaundice and hepatic failure
  45. Acetaminophen can damage ___ and ___ when taken in excess.
    liver and pancreas
  46. Acetaminophen and alcohol can result in
  47. Acetaminophen should not be taken cocurrently with ____, ____ or ____.
    alcohol, NSAIDs or salicylates
  48. If ____ damage is present in the geriatric client, then ____should be used ith caution.
  49. Acetaminophen (APAP) should be used with caution in those taking ____,____, ____ and those who abuse ____ due to the possibilty of producing toxicity.
    anticonvulsants (hydantoids)
TB medications (isoniazid and rifampin)
loop diuretics
  50. What nursing intervention is to be considered when treating the diabetic client with Acetaminophen?
    Blood glucose testing. 
Acetaminophen may alter test results. False low values may result in the inaccurate dosing of antodiabetic medications.
  51. A nurse explains that the anti-infammatory actions of the salicylates are most likely due to
    the inhibition of prostagalndins
  52. A nurse would expect to find what symptoms in the client with salicylism?
    dizziness, tinnitus, mental confusion
  53. Salicylates should be given with
    food or milk
  54. Clients taking Acetaminophen and alcohol should be assessed for ______ when monitoring for toxicity.
    liver tenderness
  55. What drug is the nurse most likely to give a child with fever?
Card Set
2011 Nonopioids NEMCC
Study cards for LPN program