quiz #1 head injuries

  1. how many head injuries occur each year
    2 million
  2. how many people died from head injuries each year
  3. How many people are permanently disabled each year from head injury
  4. what age range has the highest incidence of head injuries
    • 0 – 24
    • caused by sports, reckless behavior, work, etc.
  5. 2/3 of all head injuries occur in males or females?
  6. 50% of all head injuries occur from
    motor vehicle accidents
  7. 30% of head injuries occur from
  8. 20% of all head injuries occur from
    other, such as gunshots, blows, etc.
  9. what kind of fracture is this? And what is commonly associated with it
    • this is a linear fracture/hairline fracture
    • commonly associated with subdural hematoma
  10. what kind of fracture is this
    • depressed fracture
    • compound fracture
  11. true or false – a contusion is a cut on the brain
    false – is a bruise on the brain
  12. true or false – laceration is a cut on the brain
  13. true or false – a diffuse injury is when myelin sheaths are stripped away
  14. what is the mechanism of injury for a diffuse injury
    • a violent shaking of the head
    • often seen in shaken baby syndrome
  15. what is a concussion
    a concussion is a violent jarring or shaking that results in a disturbance of brain function
  16. what are some of the signs and symptoms of a concussion
    • unconsciousness
    • amnesia of the event
    • must be observed for 24 hours
    • headaches, irritability, fatigue – can last for six months
  17. what kind of injury is this
    a coup brain injury
  18. what kind of injury is this
    a contra coup brain injury
  19. true or false – diffuse brain injury is caused by high-speed acceleration and deceleration
  20. what kind of shearing occurs in a diffuse brain injury
    axonal shearing
  21. how come will an MRI not show signs of brain damage in some diffuse brain injuries
    because the damage is less than 1 mm wide
  22. what kind of brain condition is this
    is it acute or chronic
    is it from the venous blood or arterial blood
    • subdural hematoma
    • chronic
    • venous blood
  23. what type of brain condition is this
    epidural hematoma
  24. epidural hematoma was are often seen in what sport
    boxing – can be fatal
  25. epidural hematomas occur and what meningeal layer
    the middle
  26. what kind of brain condition is this
    intracerebral hemorrhage
  27. what are some other problems associated with head injury
    • hypoxia
    • hypotension
    • edema
    • infection
    • hydrocephalus
    • increased intracranial pressure
  28. what is normal intracranial pressure
    0 – 10 mmHg
  29. what are some signs of increasing intracranial pressure
    • change in respiration
    • unilateral weakness
    • incontinence
    • seizure
  30. what are some of the potential deficits after a head injury
    • epilepsy
    • paralysis/spasticity
    • sensory loss
    • speech deficits
    • cognitive deficits
    • memory loss
    • personal change
    • ataxia
    • bowel and bladder dysfunction
  31. what is punch drunk syndrome
    a brain condition that boxers often get from being hit in the head to many times

    Much like Alzheimer's disease
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quiz #1 head injuries
head injuries