Anatomy Chapter 06

  1. What anatomical region is inferior to the thorax (chest) and superior to the hipbones?
    abdominal region
  2. What anatomical region is the portion of the upper limb between the elbow and wrist?
    antebrachial region
  3. What anatomical region lies on the front of the elbow?
    antecubital region
  4. What is the depression on the anterior surface of the elbow?
    antecubital fossa
  5. What is the anatomical term for what is commonly called the armpit?
    axillary region
  6. What is the anatomical term for the portion of the upper limb between the shoulder and the elbow?
    brachial region
  7. What is the anatomical term for the cheek?
    buccal region
  8. What is the anatomical term for the wrist?
    carpal region
  9. What is the anatomical term for the head?
    cephalic region
  10. What is the anatomical term for the neck?
    cervical region
  11. What is the anatomical term for the braincase?
    cranial region
  12. What is the anatomical term for the portion of the lower limb from the knee to the ankle?
    crural region
  13. What is the anatomical term for the fingers or toes?
    digital region or phalangeal region
  14. The digits are numbered. What is the number of the thumb?
  15. The digits are numbered. What number is the index finger?
  16. The digits are numbered. What number is the middle finger?
  17. The digits are numbered. What number is the ring finger?
  18. The digits are numbered. What number is the little (pinkie) finger?
  19. What is the anatomical term for the dorsum of the body from the base of the neck to the end of the spine?
    dorsal region
  20. What is the anatomical term for the portion of the lower limb from the hip to the knee?
    femoral region
  21. What is the anatomical term for the portion of the cranium overlying the frontal bone?
    frontal region
  22. What is the anatomical term for the region of the pelvis associated with the large, posterior, hip muscles?
    gluteal region
  23. What is the anatomical term for the big toe?
  24. What is the anatomical term for the anterior region where a fold is created as the torso meets the thigh?
    inguinal region
  25. What is the anatomical term for the small of the back?
    lumbar region
  26. What is the anatomical region surrounding the nipple on the anterior thorax?
    mammary region
  27. What is the anatomical term for the chin?
    mental region
  28. What is the anatomical term for the portion of the face associated with the nose?
    nasal region
  29. What is the anatomical term for the region at the posterior base of the head?
    occipital region
  30. What is the anatomical term for the mouth?
    oral region
  31. What is the anatomical term for the region of the face associated with the eye?
    orbital region
  32. What is the anatomical term for the anterior portion of the hand formed by the metacarpals?
    palmar region
  33. What is the anatomical term for the anterior portion of the fingers?
    palmar aspect
  34. What is the anatomical term for the posterior portion of the fingers?
    dorsal aspect
  35. What is the anatomical term for the region overlying the knee cap?
    patellar region
  36. What is the anatomical term for the region associated with the pelvis?
    pelvic region
  37. What is the anatomical term for the region between the pubic symphysis, the coccyx, and the ischial tuberosities?
    perineal region
  38. What is the anatomical term for the foot?
  39. What is the anatomical term for the sole of the foot?
    plantar region
  40. What is the anatomical term for the superior portion of the foot?
    dorsal region or dorsum
  41. What is the anatomical term for the thumb?
  42. What is the anatomical term for the area on the posterior aspect of the knee?
    popliteal region
  43. What is the anatomical term for the area overlying the pubic bones?
    pelvic region
  44. What is the anatomical term for the area superficial to the sacrum?
    sacral region
  45. What is the anatomical term for the area superficial to the shoulder blade?
    scapular region
  46. What is the anatomical term for the anterior thoracic region on the midline?
    sternal region
  47. What is the anatomical term for the chest?
  48. What is the anatomical term for the navel?
    umbilical region
  49. What body cavity holds the brain?
    cranial cavity
  50. What body cavity holds the spinal cord?
    vertebral canal
  51. What body cavity arises from a space called the coelom that forms during embryonic development?
    ventral cavity
  52. What body cavity is surrounded by the ribs and vertebral column and holds the heart and lungs?
    thoracic cavity
  53. What body cavity forms the inferior portion of the ventral cavity?
    abdominopelvic cavity
  54. What muscular partition separates the ventral cavity into two smaller cavities?
  55. What type of membrane lines the ventral cavity?
    serous membranes
  56. Of the membranes that line the ventral cavity, what layer adheres to the internal surface of the body wa..?
    parietal layer
  57. Of the membranes that line the ventral cavity, what layer adheres to the external surface of the internal organs?
    visceral layer
  58. What is the potential space between the two layers of the membranes lining the ventral cavity?
    serous cavity
  59. What is the median space within the thoracic cavity?
  60. What serous membrane surrounds the heart?
  61. Of the membrane surrounding the heart, what portion forms the sac surrounding the heart?
    parietal pericardium
  62. Of the membrane surrounding the heart, what portion forms the heart's external surface?
    visceral pericardium
  63. What is the potential space surrounding the heart?
    pericardial cavity
  64. What serous membrane is associated with the lungs?
  65. Of the serous membrane associated with the lungs, what portion adheres to the internal thoracic wall?
    parietal pleura
  66. Of the serous membrane associated with the lungs, what portion adheres directly to the lungs?
    visceral pleura
  67. What is the potential space between the lungs and the thoracic wall?
    pleural cavity
  68. What cavity lies between the diaphragm and an imaginary line between the superior aspects of the hipbones?
    abdominal cavity
  69. What cavity lies inferior to an imaginary line between the superior aspects of the hipbones?
    pelvic cavity
  70. What membrane lines the abdominopelvic cavity?
  71. What portion of the membrane lining the abdominopelvic cavity lines the internal walls of the cavity?
    parietal peritoneum
  72. What portion of the membrane lining the abdominopelvic cavity ensheathes the external surfaces of most digestive organs?
    visceral peritoneum
  73. What potential space lies between the two layers of the membrane lining the abdominopelvic cavity?
    peritoneal cavity
Card Set
Anatomy Chapter 06
First Look, Part 2