Criminal Justice Chapter 3 Vocabulary

  1. Before questioning a suspect held in custody, police officers must inform the individual of the right to remain silent and the right to remain silentand the right to have an attorney present during questioning
    Miranda vs. Arizona
  2. Evidence obtained through illegal searches by state and local police must be excluded from use at trial
    Mapp vs. Ohio
  3. Law defining acts that are subject to punishment and specifying the punishments for such offenses
    Substantive Criminal Law
  4. Laws passed by legislatures; statutory definitions of criminal offenses are found in penal codes
  5. The act of exposing oneself to prosecution by being forced to respond to questions whose answers may reveal that one has committed a crime; the Fifth Amendment protects defendants against complelled self-incrimination; in any criminal proceeding, the prosecution must prove the charges by means of evidence other than the involuntary testimony of the accused
  6. The constitutional requirement that all people be treated fairly and justly by government officials; an accused person can be arrested, prosecuted, tried, and punished only in accordance with procedures prescribed by law
    Procedural Due Process
  7. Law defining the procedures that criminal justice officials must follow in enforcement, adjudication, and corrections
    Procedural Criminal Law
  8. The principle that illegally obtained evidence must be excluded from a trial
    Exclusionary Rule
  9. The defense that the police induced the individual to commit the criminal act
  10. The subjecting of a person to prosecution more than once in the same jurisdiction for the same offense; prohibited by the Fifth Amendment
    Double Jeapordy
  11. The basic laws of a country or state defining the structure of government and the relationship of citizens to that government
  12. The Anglo-American system of uncodified law, in which judges follow precedents set by earlier decisions when they decide new but similar cases; the substantive and procedural criminal law was originally developed in this manner but was later codified - set down in codes - by state legislatures
    Common Law
  13. Law regulating the relationships between or among individuals, usually involving property, contract, or business disputes
    Civil Law
  14. Court decisions that have the status of law and serve as precedents for later decisions
    Case Law
  15. Rules made by government agencies to implement specific public policies in areas such as public health, environmental protection, and workplace safety
    Administrative Regulations
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Criminal Justice Chapter 3 Vocabulary
Criminal Justice Chapter 3 Vocabulary