stimulate B-cells to release insulin
- includes metformin
- inhibit gluconeogenesis, increase GLUT4 translocation
DPP-4 inhibitors
- decrease degradation of incretins (hormones that stimulate insulin secretion), doesn't cause weight gain
- SE: pancreatitis
Glucose -> G6P
- Occurs @ rate dependent on intracellular [glucose]
- Liver, B-cells: glucokinase (high Km, can serve as glucose sensor-important in B-cells!!; sequestered in nucleus by glucose regulatory protein - glucose stimulates release, F6P stimulates sequestering)
- Muscle: hexokinase (low Km)
- lactate, aa's, glycerol
- pyruvate -pyruvate carboxylase-> OAA -PEPCK-> -Fructose1,6bisphosphatase-> -G6Phosphatase-> glucose
glycogen synthesis
Glycogen -glycogen phosphorylase-> G1P -> G6P
Glucose -> G6P -> G1P -glycogen synthase-> glycogen
High levels of glucose
- glucagon inhibited -> no hepatic glucose release
- insulin release stimulated -> no hepatic glucose release, uptake of glucose by cells
energy storage sites
- liver - glycogen, 24hr supply
- muscle
- - glycogen - not available for brain
- -protein - second largest store, not good
- adipose - fate, largest store
Glucose transporters
- GLUT2 - liver, B-cells uptake porportional to plasma [glucose], high Km
- GLUT3 - low Km, allows brain to take up same amt of glucose regardless of plasma concentration
insulin causes glucose transporters to go to the membrane
Points of regulation in glycolysis
- Phosphofructokinase (PFK-1): F6P->F1,6P
- Pyruvate kinase (PEP->pyruvate)
Phosphofructokinase regulation
- Positive: F2,6P, AMP
- Negative: ATP, citrate, H+
- Side rxn for regulation only: F6P -PFK-2-> F2,6P
- PFK-2 is a bifunctional enzyme!!!
Pyruvate kinase regulation
- Positive: F1,6P
- Negative: ATP, alanine
- Glucagon phosphorylates and inactivates
PDK-2 in liver
- F6P -> F2,6P
- glucagon increases cAMP, phosphorylation of PFK-2, inhibits glycolysis
- Insulin dephosphorylates PFK-2, stimulates glycolysis
PDK-2 in heart muscle and skeletal muscle
- Heart: EPI increases cAMP, PKA activity, but the PFK-2 isoform is activated by phosphorylation. Stimulates glycolysis.
- Skeletal muscle: bifunctional enz not phosphorylated by PKA. Regulation by intracellular concentration.
Formation of acetyl CoA
- Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)
- inhibited by NADH, ATP, acetylCoA
- Inactivated by phosphorylation
- Ca2+ activates the phosphatase, which activates the enzyme
- controls gluconeogenesis
- controlled by transcription
- decreased by insulin
- increased by fasting, glucagon, gluco/thyro-corticoids
fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase regulation
- opposite of PFK-1
- positive: citrate
- negative: AMP, F2,6P
Van Gierke
- glycogen storage disease
- G6Phosphatase deficiency
glycogen synthesis/breakdown
- insulin: dephosphorylation, activates glycogen synthase
- glucagon: phosphorylation, activates glycogen phosphorylase
Glucagon v. insulin phosphorylation?
- glucagon acts thru cAMP, PKA to phosphorylate
- insulin acts thru protein phosphatase, desphosphorylates
Why do patient w/liver failure get hypoglycemia?
- Depend on the liver to release glucose in fasting state
- need G6Phosphatase
How does alcohol effect gluconeogenesis?
- Inhibits it
- May have low blood sugar the next day
What causes insulin resistance?
- illness
- obesity
- inflammation/cytokines
- sedentary lifestyle
- pregnancy
- cirrhosis
- genetic factors
- Remember: 80% will adapt, not become DM2
What is c-peptide?
- portion cleaved off pro-enzyme to get the active form
- measured because it has a longer half life than insulin
- other tests: - anti-GAD, insulin Abs
Liver in diabetes
- glycogenlysis and gluconeogenesis
- glycogen synthesis is taking place, but not fast enough
Skeletal muscle in diabetes
- cannot uptake glucose
- ion pumps fail
- K+ loss (whole body)
Fats in diabetes
- Triglycerides are broken down into free FAs, glycerol -> DKA
- Normally restrained by insulin
- Thiazolidinediones
- activation of PPARs
- - insulin resistance decreased
- - leptin levels increase
Prevalence of DM1 v DM2
- 30mil DM2
- 1.5 mil DM1 in the USA, clusters w/atuoimmune disorders
microvascular complications of diabetes
- hyperglycemia
- nephropathy
- retinopathy
- neuropathy - amputations, impotence, hypoglycemia
macrovascular complications of diabetes
- coronary artery disease
- cerebrovascular disease
- peripheral vascular disease (amputations)