Neuro Lecture 3

  1. When is the Embryonic stage and what occurs then?
    • 2-8 weeks
    • Organs are formed
    • Limb buds form
    • Cephalocaudal development
  2. When does the Fetal Stage occur and forms then?
    • 8th week until birth
    • Newer systems are built upon older systems
    • Nervous system continues to develop after birth
  3. When does the Neural Plate form?
    Day 18 of gestation
  4. What does the neural plate differentiate to create?
    • Neural tube
    • Neural crest
  5. What does the neural crest become?
  6. What does the neural tube become?
  7. When do the ends of the neural tube close?
    • Crainial end closes on day 24 of gestation
    • Caudal end closes on day 28 of gestation
  8. Name the 3 primordial cell types
    • Ectoderm
    • Mesoderm
    • Endoderm
  9. What does the endoderm become?
    Digestive and respiratory components
  10. What does the mesoderm become?
    • Skeletal muscles
    • Heart
    • Ciculatory system
    • Skeletal system
    • Genitourinary system
  11. What does the ectoderm become?
    • Sensory organs
    • Epidermis
    • Nervous System
  12. What are the 3 primary vesicles of the neural tube?
    • Prosencephalon
    • Mesencephalon
    • Rhombencephalon
  13. Name the 5 secondary vesicles of the Neural Tube
    • Telencephalon
    • Diencephalon
    • Mesencephalon
    • Metencephalon
    • Myelencephalon
  14. What do the 5 secondary vesicles become?
    • Telencephalon - Cerebral cortex
    • Diencephalon - Der
    • Mesencephalon - Midbrain
    • Metencephalon - Pons and cerebellum
    • Myelencephalon - Medulla
  15. When does myelination begin?
    4th gestational month
  16. What are some causes of congenital anomalies?
    • Genetic
    • Malnutrition
    • Drugs or abnormal hormone levels
    • Decreased oxygen
    • Environmental
  17. What are three ways Spinda Bifida can present?
    • Myelomeningocele
    • Meningcele
    • Lipomeningocele
  18. What are three complications of a Myelomeningocele?
    • Chiari malformation
    • Hydrocephalus
    • Tethered cord
  19. What is a syrinx?
    Pocket of cerebral spinal fluid trapped in the spinal cord
  20. What are some signs of a pressence of a syrinx?
    Paralysis, clonus, babinski reflex, hypertonicity (spasticity), hyperreflexive
  21. How is hydrocephalus usally corrected?
    • With a V-P shunt
    • (Ventriculo-peritoneal)
  22. What is Tetherd Cord?
    • Complication of Spina Bifida
    • Medical Emergency
    • Solution: Cut filum terminale
  23. What is anencephaly?
    Class of failure of the neural tube to close rostrally
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Neuro Lecture 3
Development of the Nervous System