ENGLISH Vocab. List 8

  1. Aboreal
    • adj.
    • Pretaining to or resembling a tree
  2. Burgeon
    • intr. v.
    • To put forth new buds, leaves, or branches
  3. Deciduous
    • adj.
    • Losing foliage after the growing season
  4. Fauna
    • n.
    • Animals of a certain region, period, or environment
  5. Flora
    • n.
    • Plants of a certain region, period, or environment
  6. Germination
    • n.
    • The process of beginning to grow
  7. Horticultural
    • adj.
    • Of the art of cultivation
  8. Lichen
    • n.
    • Plants consisting of a fungus and certain algae
  9. Sylvan
    • adj.
    • Abounding in trees; wooded
  10. Verdant
    • adj.
    • Green with vegetation
  11. A Cappella
    • adj.
    • Without musical accompaniment
  12. Aria
    • n.
    • An elaborate vocal piece sung by a single voice
  13. Cadence
    • n.
    • Balanced, hythmic beat of poetry, dance, or music
  14. Crescendo
    • n.
    • A gradual increase, especially in volume
  15. Dissonance
    • n.
    • A harsh, disagreeable combinaton of sounds
  16. Libretto
    • n.
    • The text of an opera or ther dramatic musical work
  17. Motif
    • n.
    • Repeated significant phrase that identifies an idea
  18. Octave
    • n.
    • The musical interval of eight full tones
  19. Sonata
    • n.
    • An instrumental musical composition
  20. Staccato
    • adj.
    • In music, cut short crisply; disconnected
  21. Accountable
    • adj.
    • Required to answer for one's actions
  22. Commitment
    • n.
    • Emotional or intellectual obligation
  23. Default
    • n.
    • Failure to fulfill an obligation
  24. Feckless
    • adj.
    • Careless, irresponsible
  25. Incumbent
    • adj.
    • Imposed as an obligation or duty
  26. Liablility
    • n.
    • Condition of being legally responsible
  27. Mandatory
    • adj.
    • Required; compulsory
  28. Negligence
    • n.
    • Lack of proper care or attention
  29. Onerous
    • adj.
    • Troublesome; oppressive
  30. Remiss
    • adj.
    • Lax in attending to duty
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ENGLISH Vocab. List 8