ENGLISH Vocab. List 7

  1. Abrogate
    • tr. v.
    • To abolish or annul by authority
  2. Acquisition
    • n.
    • The process of gaining possession
  3. Conquistador
    • n.
    • A conqueror
  4. Inquisitive
    • adj.
    • Eager to learn; curious
  5. Perquisite
    • n.
    • A payment received in addition to a regular wage
  6. Presage
    • tr. v.
    • To indicate or warn of in advance
  7. Quest
    • n.
    • The act or instance of seeking or pursuing something
  8. Requisite
    • adj.
    • Required; essential
  9. Sagacity
    • n.
    • Keenness of perception; wisdom
  10. Surrogate
    • n.
    • Something that takes the place of another
  11. Abeyance
    • n.
    • The condition of being temporarily set aside
  12. Abstemious
    • adj.
    • Sparing; moderate
  13. Circuitous
    • adj.
    • Being or taking a roundabout course
  14. Circumvent
    • tr. v.
    • To avoid by or as if passing around
  15. Elude
    • tr. v.
    • To escape from, as if by cunning or daring
  16. Eschew
    • tr. v.
    • To avoid habitually; shun
  17. Evasion
    • n.
    • The act of escaping or avoiding by cleverness
  18. Malinger
    • intr. v.
    • To pretend to be ill to avoid work
  19. Oblique
    • adj.
    • Indirect; not straightforward
  20. Shirk
    • tr. v.
    • To neglect, put off, or avoid discharging (a duty)
  21. Banal
    • adj.
    • Lacking freshness or originallity; trite
  22. Emulate
    • tr. v.
    • To strive to equal or excel
  23. Mimicry
    • n.
    • The close imitation of the speech of another
  24. Platitude
    • n.
    • A trite remark or statement
  25. Prototype
    • n.
    • An original type or form that serves as a model
  26. Recapitulate
    • tr. v.
    • To repeat in concise form
  27. Redundant
    • adj.
    • Exceeding what is necessary or natural
  28. Rendition
    • n.
    • An interpretation of a musical score
  29. Sham
    • n.
    • Something false or empty that is supposed to be genuine
  30. Simulation
    • n.
    • An imitation
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ENGLISH Vocab. List 7