Dental Materials

  1. what are four ways chemicals enter the body?
    • inhalation
    • absorption through the skin
    • ingestion
    • invasion directly through a skin break
  2. who is responsible for informing the public of product hazards and how do they do it?
    • Chemical manufacturers
    • MSDS sheets
  3. what three things does the chemical toxicity depend on directly?
    • dose
    • length of time
    • frequency of exposure
  4. what is acute chemical toxicity?
    high exposure/ short time
  5. what are the symptoms of acute chemical toxicity?
    dizziness, syncope, headache, nausea, vomiting
  6. what is chronic chemical toxicity?
    repeated exposures/long time
  7. what are the effects caused by chronic chemical toxicity?
    cancer, infertility, neurological deficits
  8. how long do you flush your eyes out at the eye wash station?
    5 minutes
  9. how should you store mercury?
    in unbreakable tightly sealed containers away from heat
  10. t/f you can use the household vacuum cleaner or high velocity evacuation when cleaning up a mercury spill?
    FALSE-follow manufacturers instructions
  11. how should scrap amalgam be stored?
    tightly closed container
  12. employees have the right and need to know about the ______ and the ____ of chemicals used in the workplace
    • identity
    • hazards
  13. what are the five parts of hazard communication program
    • written program
    • chemical inventory
    • MSDS
    • labeling of chemical containers
    • employee training
  14. what is contained in section I of the MSDS?
    product info
  15. what is contained in section II of the MSDS?
    hazardous ingredients
  16. what is contained in section III of the msds
    physical hazard data
  17. what is contained in section IV of the MSDS
    fire and explosion data
  18. what is contained in section five of the MSDS?
    health hazard info
  19. what is section six of the MSDS
    reactivity data
  20. what is section VII of the MSDS
    spill or leak procedures
  21. what is section VIII of the MSDS
    special protection info
  22. what is section IX of the MSDS
    special precautions
  23. what must be done if a chemical is placed in a non-original container?
    must be labeled-can take off original label and place on new container
  24. what will you find on the national fire protection association label?
    color, numbers 0-4
  25. what does the blue diamond mean?
  26. what does the read diamond mean?
  27. what does the yellow diamond mean?
  28. what does the white diamond mean?
    other specific hazards
  29. how often is employee training for the hazard communication program?
    once a year
  30. how long are records of trainings for the hazard communication program kept?
    five years
Card Set
Dental Materials
general handling and safety